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Как относитесь к рекламе, «впариванию» различных услуг/деятельности/товаров?

an0nym0uss__’s Profile PhotoAn
If the "zombie box" - then neutral attitude.
If in the browser or in the app-it's annoying.

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Важно ли для мужчины следить за аккуратностью маникюра и педикюра?

I think yes.
I have to sometimes when the hands and feet are in the worst condition.
And I don't see anything shameful in it XD.

Первая любовь не забывается, это так?😉🥺😬

Unfortunately, yes, it is not forgotten forever..

I'm sorry for you loss.

No, not at all.It's just that my mother lost heart because she didn't feel well.
She has cancer,the surgery was eight years ago,and the latest tests showed the presence of metastases.
Our medicine can only know you have metastasis or no metastasis.
Especially a year without a checkup because of this fucking coronavirus...
+1 answer in: “Ваше последнее переживание печали: чем оно было вызвано?”

Хотел(а) поучаствовать в профессиональной фотосессии? Может у тебя уже есть такой опыт?

There was an experience in 2012.

как тебе сегодняшняя погода?

I don't care what the weather is like outside.
Whatever the weather is, we are not able to change it to the desired weather.

Ваше последнее переживание печали: чем оно было вызвано?

vladislavabologan7’s Profile PhotoAda
My mother wasn't feeling well at the weekend.
I woke up(I slept for 2 hours), it was four o'clock in the morning,then my mother says goodbye to me"Look after your father,grandmothers and sister.
I fell out of reality...
Ваше последнее переживание печали чем оно было вызвано
+1 answer Read more

Какая картина висит на твоей стене?

Since last spring, repairs, so everywhere building materials.
So there's nothing on the walls but cobwebs.

А ты умеешь любить?

I didn't ask people in the past if I knew how to love..
I loved, either irresponsibly, or my love was not needed...
А ты умеешь любить
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Если продать дьяволу душу за место в раю, тогда куда ты попадёшь после смерти?

I have a reserved seat in Hell.
Therefore, a place in Paradise does not shine for me.
Anyone can get a ticket to the void if there are no seats in Hell/Paradise.


Кто был первым человеком нетрадиционной ориентации?

The remains of a homosexual about 5 thousand years old were found during excavations in a cave in the Czech Republic. Archaeologists date the man's death to 2900-2500 BC — the period of the late Stone Age.
It was possible to establish the sexual orientation of the buried person by the objects surrounding him in the grave. Traditional for that time funeral "companions" of men were axes, knives and other weapons, as well as several portions of food and drink. Men were buried with the body on the right side with the head to the west, women were laid on the left side with the head to the east.The male skeleton was found lying on its left side, but the head was pointed to the west. Together with him in the grave were found household utensils — jugs and pots. These are traditional companions of women in the afterlife (for women's graves are also characterized by necklaces of teeth, pets and copper earrings).Recently, another unusual Mesolithic grave was discovered: a female warrior was buried as a man.

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Кто был первым человеком нетрадиционной ориентации


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