Would you like to get a tattoo or do you already have one?
I have three
Did you watch Shang Chi?
You single
Did you ever watch Sabrina the teenage witch?
When I was younger yes
Happy Halloween guys!
Happy Halloween!
Do you like the rain?
You still feel safe driving without your glasses even with the license requirement for it then? You're not worried about getting a ticket? Also, did you always do that since you got your license or you didn't have the restriction until later?
I used to wear my glasses all the time until my eye doc wrote me a note saying I can see well enough without them so I have a note in case I get pulled over
Do you feel lonely sometimes?
I want to kiss you 😉
Do you prefer driving without your glasses then? (And if so, why?) Do you still take them with you or no?
I prefer to drive without them I only bring them if I really really think I will need them
How long has it been since you've been to the mall? It's been over a year for me.