
Planet Bullshit

Ask @USaynBolt

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Right I'm going to sleep now Ryan. Goodnight. Sleep well my friend. Maybe I'll dream of some doctor who monsters. And a storyline or two. :')

Ok sleep tight Dana, have a good sleep that is full of monsters and creatures :)

I shall design some and write some episode ideas and send them off to BBC.

You should do that I could endorse them saying "I am Ryan Rochford and I approve this!" :)

They would be back to what they are supposed to be. I mean seriously the Doctor Who now a days. Not that I don't like it. It just needs to be darker. Get rid of some of the child audience and bring back the adult audience.

Yeah, the monsters are pretty rubbish now :(

I would totally direct Doctor Who and Being Human. Make them really dark, as they should be.

Omg a dark doctor who would be the bomb XD

I'm good thanks, you?.. I should probably come off anon shouldn't I aha:P

Yeah I'm good and yes you should, what are you doing?

My god the little girl old one vampire. She made me crack up. I hope she commands an army or something and is more sassy. :3

Yeah, that would be awesome XD, you should be a producer

Aw thanks mate. I classed you as a friend before hand. :') have you seen the first episode?

Thanks, you made my night :D and yes :)


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