
Mineko Nomura

Ask @Useless_thing_11037

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What is your perfect Sunday morning?

Mineko giggled softly and looked out the window mysteriously. "Every morning I wake up with only one thought: today will be the same as yesterday. My life is rather boring to me, because nothing interesting happens in it." She stretched out her hands as if to stretch them, and then picked up the cup and sipped the coffee from the cup. "I would like to meet interesting people one day..." The girl looked down sadly.

Would you rather go to a music festival, have fun and sleep in a tent, or stay home, watch TV series and have some tasty snacks?

"Hmm..." The girl let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes. "Sometimes there are days when you do not want to do anything, but just lie down, enjoy the silence or watch your favorite movie/TV series, eating your favorite food..." Mineko laughed a bit and sighed again. "...and today is exactly the day. So.. I'll enjoy my meal."

Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?

"Since I have a fairly strong passion for reading, I can read 3-4 books a day." Mineko rubbed her neck nervously and smiled awkwardly. "Many people call me 'nerd' because of this, but I just like reading, that's all!"

Language: English