

Ask @UsmanAnwar751

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If you had the power to create one law, what would it be?

Manner before knowledge. In schools, students should learn manners, ethics, norms and values till age of 10 years.

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How often do you change your mobile phone?

Whenever my brothers wants to gift me a new phone. I never bought a phone. ;)

What kind of advertisements attracts your attention?

Cartoonize ads and must contain any public behavior and social issues

What motivates you?

TBH, now adays nothing is going motivational for me. Meaningless and worthless is everything

What helps you to make the right decision?

I am very good observer. I can easily judge the people most of time. Sometimes these things helps me in taking right decision and offcourse Recitation of AyatULqursi makes my everg decision right.

Why do some people enjoy life and others don’t?

because others have to discuss about those who are happy and enjoy thier lives :D


Language: English