

Ask @VictorLegan

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New trend of askfm. Answer this of you wish. Pass this to your list and see what you get. 1. My best feature? 2. Ever stalked me? 3. Any memory regarding me? 4. What do you hate about me? 5. Rate me out of 10!

JosephinCosta’s Profile PhotoJosephin Costa
Shob 0 Hoibo

I just meet her in ASK.FM talked an hour in FB. then she went sleep. is it good start or it's gonna last ?? Can't sleep got #crush. what to do now?

raselmahmud11’s Profile PhotoRasel Mahmud

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Human beings are getting rude,, humanity is lessening day by day... according to u what are the reasons???


Ask.fm Hediye Kazanmak Çok Basit Bu Numarayı Ara ''0044560183679'' Gelen Kodu Yaz 1 Tane Hediye Bizden İyi Günler :)


Привет💫 Устрой день добра😇 Поставь мне 20/30 лайков🍃 И если не сложно, подписочку🙃 ВСЁ ВЗАИМНО💜

mane4ca’s Profile PhotoМарийко
Eng Ko

Приходи ко мне на чай, я налью тебе вино :) Я, кстати, подписан на тебя! ^^Оцени ответики, позязя :з


▪️Ты больной или как?Почему даже нормально ответить не можешь?▪️



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