Do you think that social media has helped or hurt our society?

Social media is greatly used nowadays and has greatly affected the society. I think that although it provides easy functional communication throughout the globe, it is also a supposedly beneficial tool that's abused for various forms of bullying. Majorly, I believe it has hurt our society more than it has helped us.

Latest answers from Vir

If you could meet anyone from history who would it be and why?

If I could meet anybody from history, I would choose to meet Queen Elizabeth I of England because in my opinion, she is one of the strongest female persona I know of. It's fascinating how as an illegitimate child of the King she was able to sit on the throne and reign for more than 40 years. I believe that's true female power.

If you could choose between being one of the elements (fire, earth, water, wind), which would you prefer to be and why?

If I were to be one of the four elements, I would choose to be fire. It's an element greatly feared amongst others for its capabilities, both negative and positive. It's also very useful in numerous activities and I would like to be both feared and needed.

Best photo op: sunrises or sunsets?

Sunrises are better because they provide the best lighting IMO, and they symbolize a new beginning for me, another try. But if you want to fake being depressed and sad, then go ahead and take that sunset picture with a deep caption.

What are you thankful for today?

I am thankful that I ate grilled pork cutlets for dinner today PRAISE THE LORD

Language: English