
Daniel ʕ⚆ᴥ⚆ʔ

Ask @Weedude79

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Well, being all messed up is better than being normal^^

I guess so, i think that butt cam is a awesome idea tho, or maybe a willy cam but damn youtube would not allow that :(

Butt naked? Okay, but don't show your bum, thanks. ◉◡◔

i think its just gonna be my butt in the full view on the cam and when i talk i will spread the cheeks to make it look like my butt is talking, wow im pretty messed up

Hahaha Okay, i've already seen your video games channel. INFINITE REPLAY TO YOUR SLENDER VIDEOS. HAHAH^^

Damn i dont really like them slender video, i might make more scary games facecam videos, maybe one where im butt naked it would be more fun

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If she ever tries to beat you then she dishonoured the family first.

Jk im a orphan...double jk im not an orphan, my mother doesnt beat me btw its a joke

I'll keep killing them c: no problem.

Them Cops are pretty strong. Imma off to bed now tho since ive been up since 3am (this is the part where i plug my youtube channel) so if you want more Daniel Action check out my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/Jimmyfan187 and enjoy (is it wrong that im plugging my channel like that)

They cant hunt me down if the're dead:33

Well if your in a video game and that game is GTA them cops will just keep spawning untill your dead

I would like to live in a videogame, if you dislike someone, kill him :3 And videogames are awesome.

Meh unless its GTA if you break the law (or bump a tiny bit into a cop car) them badass cops are gonna hunt your ass down a destroy every part of your body

You think? Haha. But really, boys here are like 'Go die, ugly worthless potato' and you're so afhsgsjsg. I'm moving to england^^ Actually, moving there is my dream since i was like 4 yrs old.

Well dont be disappointed when you find out the people suck here in England, well people suck everywhere our species is horrible i would much rather be a Bird or a fish

You're not a jerk as i see it.

Well ok im not a jerk but what would you say if i said that im really a woman Huh

You are like so awesome, i'm moving to england. Boys here are such jerks.

Everybody is a jerk, its life :D

Blue is more awesome...are we seriously discussing this man?

We sure are, my floor has a wife and 2 children, he also tells funny jokes and buys me lots of jewellery

Agoraphobia huh? Cool, i have social anxiety but they won't let me homeschool so it's like a kind of suicidal mission going to school. HIGH FIVE! :D

my school didnt let me, i just refused to go and they were like well he aint coming so lets just get him homeschooled. HIGH EIGHT

No floor is better than mine.

My floor has a job, he works as a assistant selling carpets at a carpet store 200 dolla a day

School crush? I thought everyone said you dropped out of school, dafuq?

It started before i left, i didnt drop out of school i just get home schooled now, so i dont have to leave my house cuz im a lazy butt


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