
Willa Zagerman

Latest answers from Willa Zagerman

How do you usually express your emotions?

Either cry and listen to music and shove tons of grapes into my mouth if I'm sad. Or hug a lot because I love hugging :) if I'm happy!

Has Amber ever decided that she would go on a date?

Lol what I'm sure if you were cool she would go on a date with you

What u think about Amber Tran Ha?

Amber tran ha is the Vietnamese queen of the universe! I love her with all my heart cuz she is crazy and that was one of the first things we bonded about. I wish she would come home but it seems like she has friend in Virginia so whatever

What would your parents reaction be like if they knew you just had sex with a guy?

I'm extremely open with my parents and they are cool with it. They are cool with it, if they know I am using protection and they are cool with it if I am with someone who isn't a dumbass who will fuck me over

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