
Wolf in a Fedora

Ask @WolfyTheWarrior

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no offence but you come across as a little bittle attention-needy

I love how you put the "no offense" right before you said something offensive like wow why even bother with even putting that there xD gee thanks.
Can I ask why you felt the need to tell me little anon? :)

you know that you are beautiful <3 and i really hope that you are happy because you are a beautiful person with a perfect personality <3 you are a great friend and really wish that I would know you in real life :( because you would be an amazing friend <3

Who is this, please tell me <3

i really have no-one to talk to right now, you cant believe how much i trust you because we used to talk all the time :/ I am feeling really down and alone, everyone seems to exclude me and pretend im not there. All the people that meant so much to me, dont seem to care anymore. i just wanted to let


Have you ever heard of Zox? They're totally awesome! :D http://zox.la/shop/ (If you buy one, put me in the referral box, please! My username on that site is Trekkie66.)

woah those are cool ;o; i may buy one, but if theyre those rubber fandom like breacelets i might not xD i have tiny wrists and arms and they usually tend to be way to bid ;n; even tho i really do love them <3 they need to make some for small people!

What is your opinion on homosexuals?

Neutral. I'm not a supporter, due to the fact that I am indeed a Christian, but I'm definitely not a hater, they don't deserve hate, they're still people, and just because I don't particularly agree with them doesn't mean I hate them in the least bit. >w< as long as they're nice to me I don't really care what sexuality you are tbh I judge people on personality, and nothing else.

What is your opinion on abortion?

Personally I'm against it, even if it doesn't look like a human yet, even if it's just one tiny little cell, that is a human life you just took, that baby will never grow up, never know what it means to fall in love, to have a family, or to just live and enjoy life xnx <\3

If you were to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

The fact that I'm sensitive most times, it's a really annoying trait of mine. I legit get really offended some times by the smallest things and can't say anything cause then they'll be like "what the heck that wasn't that mean". So then I have to keep it in and training yourself to not be like that is freakin impossible dangit. That, or I'd want to change my social anxiety god yes that would be nice <3

favourite youtuber?

Hm.. I just now got myself into YouTube tbh xD but the youtubers I stalk right now are pewdiepie, dylandauzat, and slamacow ;w; eue

do you have a twin/

I actually did before I was born xD but my twin didn't make it eue so no not technically I do not I guess.

What makes someone powerful?

Self confidence tbh, if someone is confident in themselves, they can be unstoppable, they're happy with themselves, and are more likely to be more amune to hate
Which I don't have that lawl xD
Liked by: Elsshu Slqhv


Language: English