
Alan Padilla

What is your attitude towards hunting?

I consider it a practice to vent murderous minds ... I don't like the idea of killing animals and considering that as a sport.
We currently have thousands of ways to entertain people regardless of their mentality ...

Latest answers from Alan Padilla

What is easy to get into but hard to get out of? ?

It is easy to enter people's lives when they allow it, but it is difficult to forget them when they decide not to do it anymore

When you are in love, does age matter?

I would lie if I said yes ... I'm really not sure if it's a bad thing or not that there is a big age difference ...

What is the most awkward thing you've said to someone special?

I guess I told what I felt at the time that not even I could control so many good and bad emotions .... I don't like to prove that I am, but for some reason that day I did

What celeb would you like to turn into for one day? 💫

mmmmm Anne Hathaway, I like the actress and I think it would be fun to feel her real personality

Language: English