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hihi. well i run out of pick up lines today so erm just short note orite😂 i hope you smiled today:) bc i smiled too much today😂 remember to stay cheerful and happy all day!💓 move on from past and carry on with current:) stay strong with life cause theres still many things out there worth for u☺💓

Smile Angels:)
Liked by: Yong En

Do you believe that society sets unrealistic standards of beauty? If so, how? What would you change? Do you believe there is anything we could do now to impact and obstruct societies views?

Questions for Everyone ✌
yep. Cant change anything tho. Reality is cruel. To me appearance doesn't really matter. One should only pay attention on others' personalities rather than their appearances. And don't expect people to fancy you because of your beauty when you have bad attitude. Don't know how to change the society tho it seems impossible hmmm. I think we can only change ourselves to be a better person.


Language: English