
Zuzu Sparrow

Are there any minor things that annoy you? For example, it annoys me when youtube ads are silent since that makes me think something's wrong with the audio 😑

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I feel like it depends on my mood.ni can have extreme patience and ignore anything but more often than not i am easily annoyed by sooooo many things :'D everything starts to annoy me haha
What annoys me the most are people. Drunk/high people? I get annoyed. Direspectful people? I get annoyed. Unintelligent people? I get annoyed. People making noise or anyhow disturbing me? I get annoyed. Horny people? I get annoyed. Sluty people? I get annoyed. Victim card/self pitying people? I get annoyed. Big ego/full of themself people? I get annoyed. People not caring about the planet like making unnecessary waste or harming living things? I get annoyed. People not being on time - being late? I get annoyed...
And since you mention adds well i hate it and get severly annoyed by how many nsfw adds there are -.- like every second add i get while playing game son phone is of some game where you undressing mostly female character or where things are based on sexual interactions between characters or at minimum smugg graphic stories...it makes me wanna stop using phone all together because i have seen those one too many times 🙄 and the worst thing is icant even block them (used to be able to?). Iam already annoyed by adds in general cuz they are too common and interupt things (in games, youtube etc) but those are just the absolute worst and it instantly ruins my day -.-
Public wc's annoy me. more so repulse than annoy tho. Cuz they are always nasty. I rather not go to the toilet all day than go in those nasty smelly trash holes. The only exception is library. The toilet there is always spotless 😅 the only public toilet i will use honestly haha
I could go on but i am sleep deprived and starving atm and my patience battery was completely drained while battling my kid to make him sleep so right now i feel like EVERYTHING annoys me. Like existance itself annoys me :'D so i dont feel like my answer will be realistic in curremt state. But what i did mention always annoys me :'D
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Latest answers from Zuzu Sparrow

https://ask.fm/ZuzuSparrow/answers/173781640801 lol to ni point stalkanja.. tok si naivna samo zato ker maš rada pozornost. vse gledaš dobesedno pa še to narobe poves samo zato ker želiš zveneti pametna

Poglej si definicijo stalkanja predn se oglasas. Nocem "zvenet pametno", sam uporablam besede tako kot majo pomen. Ni moj problem ce vas veliko narobe uporablja besede 🤷🏼‍♀️ to da ti nekdo sledi na social media, cetudi iz obsedenisti ni stalkanje, temu se rece sledenje. In si follower, ne stalker. Ce bi pa nekdo zaj izvohal informacije in npr mi pisal na nekem zasebnem omrezju kjer ne objavlam javno al pa mi irl prisel tezit na dom, to bi blo pa ze druga zgodba.
Kaj a npr vsi ki vsak dan obsedeni berejo vse ka npr katy perry objav so stalkerji? Ne sam obsedeni fani. Obviously bo slavna oseba mela tega velik, nekdo nepomemben k jst pa kvecjem kazga obsedenga bivsega, mogoc tt sosolca, sodelavca ipd. Ljudi iz irl kr drugi itak ne vejo zame 🤣
Stalking je po slovensko zalezovanje. Npr predator zasleduje plen (macka ptica) - se mu priblizuje skrivoma z namenom napada neopazeno. Ce samo tece gepard za gazelo je to lovljenje, ne zasledovanje. Pri ljudeh pa je stalking z negativno konotacijo. Npr "he was stalking her" ko moski zasleduje zrtev po temni ulici, podobn smisel k pr macki ALI pa na social media spet z istim konceptom sam da gre za objave in ne fizicno hojo za nekom. Point je da je ta pozornost nezeljena in je osebi nelagodno. Drugace je po tvoji logiki vsak ki tle bere moje objave in mi pise isto stalker 🤷🏼‍♀️ lahko mi vsak dan pises pa zato nebos stalker. Tudi ce ves moje ime. Ce pa kr naenkrat ves stvari ki jih nisem delila s tabo bo mi oa neprijetno ja in to bi blo stalking.
Npr ce bi nekdo ki nima mojga fb kjer mam samo ljudi ki osebno poznam tuki gor vedel polno ime moje hcerke (ki je objavleno blo tam) pol bi lahko rekla da je to stalker. Ask mam pa javen, to da nekdo moj ask spremlja ne pomen da je zato stalking pa tt ce je obseden.
Sicer pa: stalking - the act or crime of willfully and repeatedly following or harassing another person in circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to fear injury or death. Mene ni bivsega at all strah

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Cestitke za drugega otroka! Nisi veliko o tem tu pisala. Kako si, kako je baby? Je fantek ali puncka? Nam lahko kaj vec poves? (ce zelis seveda)

Ja za to nosecnost je vse do poroda vedlo samo par najbliznjih. Kr nism mela energije in psihicne moci se ukvarjat z vsemi moznimi nezeljenimi komentarji. Veliko mucnejsa nosecnost kot prva, porod sicer hitr in brez enega samega siva ampak matr je bolelo. Pa sm vzela plin pa vseen bolelo za znort, neprimerljivo s prvim. Tt po porodu popadku ko se matrnica nazaj krc, krice sm se zbujala v bolecinah on protibolecinske tablete nonstop zrla da sm se sploh lahk obrnla v postl, vsaj sedela sm lahk (kr ni blo sivov).
Dve ciiist razlicni zgodbi. Tut zdej s tamalo (ja pupa je) faza novorojencka, cist drugac k z maksom.
Sm si misnla "saj ze vem kak gre porod pa starsevstvo oa ni res, zaj pri njej sem manj zihr vase kukr sm bla pr maksu k je res bil vse na novo haha tam sm bla samozavestna tle z njo pa ko da sm prvic stars in vse sprasujem ce je ok pa kak narest kej 🤣
Revica ma ful reflux pa crvicka jo zlo, drugac ko je ne matra je pa res zlati otrok. Sicer pa ne vem ka rect, vpras ka te zanima :)

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What do you most often snack on? 🍬🍫

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Lately fruit. Apples and oranges predominantly. Tomorrow i will make roasted carrot sticks - nice salty yet healthy snack. I try to eat healthy for best milk quality. Here and there i might have some roasted peanuts or a few crisps just for taste. And if i am having "on the go" type of breakfast i might add a snickers but it's quite rare.
Healthy snacks not only nurture both me and the kid butbalso help me ease postpartum anxiety. I eat at least 5 fruits and 5 veggies every day with absolutely no exceptions. Makes me quite proud. Now i just need to sleep more and i will be doing perfect! Well it would be even better if i drank a bit more water too but yeah.

What was the last thing you found satisfying? 😌

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Today the expo of laminates and tiles.we found all we searched for. It makes me happy just thinking about how much more beautiful our house will be, opposed to the shithole we are in now.
Also a few days ago i had kind of exsistencial crisis as i hit my 25th birthday. But i have been talking with my husband and friends and thinking about it a lot and i realized i am doing great. So now i am genuinly satisfied with myself/life <3

How much of a difference would you say there is between what you share on ask versus other social media pages? 💬

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Big one. I don't really post much elsewhere but if i do it's not really personal. For example instagram is mostly food pics etc. Ask is where i actually share things about my personal life and more importantly me. Like my opinions, thoughts, feelings/emotions... I am very opinionated in comment sections on other platforms too but when it comes to the way i feel, i don't typically like to make it known to people. Especially if i see something as sign of weakness or as weak spot people might try to hurt me by. However i do share these on ask.
Ask is really the one place where you can get window into my head and "heart" if you ask for it ;D

se spomnis ko si bila obsedena z blažom tu na asku? 😂

Ja :'D sej nism bla glih "obsedena" ampak mi je bil pa dist vsec in res sm hotla da me opazi :'D mislim da se je kr jasno vidlo kk desperate so bli moji attempts hahahaha cringe.
Ampak hej neki malga sva se dejansko menla! Tak da ocitno je blo uspesno hahaha. Dejansko so ble neke omembne o pijacki sam pol se je on selil al neki, te pa se nisva vec menla, men pa tt ni blo vec tolk zanimivo. Mislim da sm sam lovila ta hype k je blo dost obsedenih z njim in sm hotla dosect da se men z mano 🤣
Sej leeeta nazaj (tak 10 let?) se na tastarem profilu je blo isto k so bli neki mariborski fejmici k je bil cel ask obsedem z njimi, pa men osebno prvo sploh niso bli special sam vsi so govorli o njih in smo mel skupnega frenda slucajn. In sm isto probavala attention dubit na asku sam zato da so ostale vidle da se dejansko menmo (tut travian smo skup spilal haha) kr mi je tok freaking fun blo k so ble jealous 🤣 z blazem je blo pa podobno sam da nisva dejansko prej mela kontakta in sm desperately poskusala nekak dobit pozornost 🤡 sooo cringe.
Nevem zaka mi je to tolk blo pomembo kr itak mi noben od teh ni bil vsec na tak nacin da bi hotla kej romanticnega, sam fejmici so bli in jst sm hotla dokazat da se menim s fejmici i guess? 🤣 Ful funny kr sm irl se menla z dejansko slavnimi slovenci pa nikol flexala, sam na asku za te ask fejmice 🤷🏼‍♀️

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⚡HP-spree⚡You're looking back at your time at Hogwarts. What class was your favorite? What did you do during your free time? Did you ever sneak into the restricted section of the library or head to the forbidden forest? 🏰

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don't think i could pick fave class. I love them all so much i would probably be Hermione 2.0 🤣 and free time huh i would probably explore school grounds a lot. definitely sneaking into forbidden areas including library anf forest haha
Everything at hogwarts is sooo exciting. I already struggle falling asleep now, i don't know how i woulf ever get to sleep there. I would be too occupied thinking about all the stuff i could be doing instead of sleeping 🤣
I would definitely snuck to the kitchen too, many times! Getting some extra snacks to munch on while studying.
I know i would surely cost my house some points here and there for being caught but i know i would earn way more than i would lose.
It would be my dream come true if i could go to something like hogwarts for real! But until then, fantasy online spaces are all i have and ofc my imagination (i am huuuge daydreamer). I used to be on slovenian virtual hogwarts for years, pretty much grew up on there. And i am currently thinking about joining the english one because i miss this so much..but i know i do not have time for such things atm.
I do like to learn about stuff that would probably be on witchcraft curriculum like herbology, astronomy etc. Anyway, it would just be soo much cooler if there was actual school for these things!

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Have you ever spilled liquid on something which shouldn't get wet? What did you do then? Was that thing okay afterwards? 💧💻

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yes, a glass of syrup over my husband's macbook. It died but then with time started working again..then started going bad again. But it was super old and laggy already so he was looking into replacing it anyway...i just helped to make it it happen🥲

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