
Peter O'Riordan

Ask @aGoodDog

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Don't mess with big bad Mamma PMSL, and that last question was Bushel and a Peck from a Guys and Dolls x

Ryan Pilling
Ahhh, I see x3
And that is a clip from the greatest film of all time. I was gonna send you the film, but I can't find it anymore :C x

I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck, a hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap, a barrel and a heap and I'm talking in my sleep... ...about you x

Ryan Pilling
I dunno what that's from, but it's adorable x3 x
Liked by: Ryan Pilling

What's your fave colour? mine's red

Ryan Pilling
Orange. According to the Hankie Code that was devised in the 80's for gay men to discretely advertise that they were gay, and also what fetishes they were into, I'm a slut and you like blood :3
Liked by: Ryan Pilling


Language: English