
abigail guy

Ask @abigailguyxo

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What does "like=5asks" means:s??

It means if someone likes the question then you have to ask them 5 questions on there ask?

I've been reading down the argument about Keenan and was he no best pals with Aron? When he was snaking you straight after you and Aron had just broke up is that no braking the bro rule ?

hmm mail me? Exactly tbh

tell me what he dose to make you happy

All the cute things he says and dose, the morning texts the ones I wake up to, the cute paragraphs, he makes me feel better about myself and always puts a smile on my face, the stupid faces he pulls, the stupid things he says hahahah, when I calls me perfect, beautiful awwwh, hugs from behind aw I could go on :)))))
Liked by: Clare Kilbane

Do you no get bored all the time talking to Robert ?

no hahahaha our conversations aren't half normal there amazing tbh

No you can't, you like yer own photos cos nobody else does

Hahahah aye that's why I have likes ok then anon

You's are really cute, finally you've found someone that's good for you glad my best friends happy❤❤x

Hehehe cutie thank yaaaa!<3x

opinion on rob rob as you call him full opinion

He's my boy means the world to me, don't know where is be without him, I can never stay mad at him ever!, we've never argued!, I would never hurt him or do anything to hurt his feelings he means to much to me for that!, he's perfect in every way, his body's perfect as well oh ya, he always puts a smile on my face and he makes me so so happy, love wee rob rob so I do, he's hilarious always got me laughing at the things he does and says, he's my boy and I really do live him :3 x

I wish I was like you, you don't care about what people think about you, you walk out the door every day not giving a shit what anyone thinks, you have loads of confidence how did you get it?, I would love to not care what people thought of me or how I looked when I walked out the door x

Aww thanks x
Liked by: Clare Kilbane


Language: English