
abigail guy

Ask @abigailguyxo

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Anywan touches Abigail and you'll have a lot of people to deal with, chin up chick!Xx

cheers babe can look after myself tho you know that love you x
Liked by: Gibby

Threaten abigail again and see wit happens yah fucking gimps honestly yous think yees are big over ask seriously need to get a grip, you touch her and you will have me to deal wi yah bunch ae fucking "keyboard gangsters"

Thank you who's this x
Liked by: Gibby

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"Once a cheat always a cheat" what a bunch ae bullshit Abigail has only cheated once? And hasn't done it in like 2/3 years now? She clearly wasn't happy with the person she was going out with.Also maybe it wasn't her tht kissed the guy maybe he kissed her chin up Abz patch aw there silly questions x

Shannon Kennedy
Thank you babe! You ken! Xx

Ever cheated?

yes I have but I'd DOSENT mean I will again or to Kevin, he's the only boy in for like ages that I've properly liked im not going to throw away what I have for one stupid thing like cheating, it's pointless if you ask me, cheatings pointless when your with someone who means the world to you.

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

Stop smoking
Being horrible to my mum and the mistakes I've made with certiian people..

How much do you like Kevin?

words cannot describe how much he means to me, I've never felt this way about a boy before..

What is your favorite story your parents told you?

My parents used to tell me story's about there life's when they were younger and the one about the little mermaid :)

Neither do I, he's wan ae my best pals, he actually really likes you, he wouldn't chuck that all away, he would break down and tell you if he did, fuck all them assholes who try and say he's a cheat and that, he's never cheated once

Thank youuuu x


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