
abigail guy

Ask @abigailguyxo

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Look leave Abigail alone she has done nothing wrong and it's really pathetic she is a really nice lassie!

Thank uuuuu who's this x

Yous are aw low life fucks tbh, you's don't know how me and Abigail feel for each other so get tae fuck, Iv no shagged anyone in my house so that's bullshit about that! And who ever said there going to shag me again, dream on, you's try and get inbetween us, it won't work, now leave us alone thanks

Kevin Turnbull

abs dosent talk to lots of boys I've seen her mails and texts she's spoke to 3 in the past 4 days not including Kevin, so before you start on her Id know your facts, she's also going through a lot right now and I wouldn't like to see her do something stupid because of you wanks chin up xx

thank you!x

Just recently finished way ma girl after about 9 months, simple reason because she talked to A couple ae other guys, shite feeling so it is, point being if ye really like kink stop talking tae other guys calling them cute etc, guy will become suspicious. Your a wee helfy aswell. X

I don't talk to boys Apart from my boy best friends? I Dinny ken what a helfey is but cheers anyways ae

You said You know why Kevin's upset so why you not being a good girlfriend and talking to him? No matter if he says he doesn't want to talk to anyone he will talk to me and you

I had a difficult night last night I couldn't talk to him, I don't like annoying people or messaging them first ect so I'll leave them some time to feel better and when there ready they can talk to me when they like.

How fucking dare you talk to Abigail like that, Her and Kevin are perfect your just Jealous that you can't have what she does! If u have a fucking problem mail me instead...

Awwwh thank you x
Liked by: Lea Liddle

That's what they all say I'm hear for you so when you and Kevin argue you go running to him and he dicks you

Leave me alone

Leave the girl she's one of the soundest people I know and to see annoying fucks bad mouth her just makes me sick don't listen to the cunts x

Thank you Ryan x


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