
abigail guy

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Nah im just someone who would treat you like a princess and would do anything for you

Mail me then eh

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Id love a girl like you with your perfect smile and beautiful body and cracking tits

Emm who's this?

Honest opinion on Meghan donohoe

She's my wee wifey! Hahaha means a lot honestly I could write a whole fucking book on the friendship me and the girl has, she's always there for me honestly don't know what I'd do without her if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here, she makes me smile and laugh and a single FaceTime sesh can cheer me up for days, she's my best friend and I've known her for years, Meghan reminds me of how much a happy and nice girl I can be sometimes, she's gorgeous and her figure no matter what anyone says is to die for, I'll always stick by this girl tho thick and thin I'll always be here for her no matter what, her friendship means the world to me and I couldn't live without her, we've been friends for years now and she's seen me at my worst definitely and at my good, she can tell a fake friend from a mile away and a arsehole of a boy by the first time she meets them! I'm always there for her and try my best to cheer her up always, even tho I distance myself from a lot of people Meghan will never be one of them and I love her too bits! We have so many amazing memories such laughs and more to come like I said I could write a whole book on the girl and I have so much to say about her she honestly is my best friend and I love her x

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Opinion of Conor O'Donnell?

One of my boy close pals, can tell him anything trust him, good looking, had amazing advice and good to talk to, have a laugh with him overall he's a really nice guy tbh and I'm always here for him:)

Opinion on Dylan mcewan

Always there for me as am I for him, makes sure I am okay one of my boy best friends, means a lot to me, can tell him anything and trust him a really nice guy tbh! Can always have a laugh and will stick up for him no matter what!

What do you do to let others know you love them?

Tell them but it's very rare now a days if I say it to someone

Do you have any feelings for your ex's

There's two I always will have yeah but not serious feelings :)

Ho on shannan kennedy?

It's Shannon Kennedy** and she's my best friend, know her since I was in primary 2, trust her and can tell her anything, she means loads to me, have the best weekends and laughs honestly!, she's gorgeous and a love her lots x

Honest opinion on matt waghorn?

He's honestly amazing, he's the only boy that's treated me right like ever if I'm honest, he's one of a kind! And I wouldn't change him for the world, I'll always be there for him like he's there for me he's such a strong boy no matter what he will always have his head held high! He's gorgeous and can no matter what put the biggest smile on my face and his cuddles just make you feel so happy! He means the world to me tbh I love him to bits and he's the best boyfriend, he makes me the happiest girl alive and all of out memories are absolutely fab! He's my best friend but also my boyfriend!,I just love the boy to bits x
Liked by: Matt Waghorn

Opinion on Dylan McEwan

One of boy close pals, always there for me can talk to him about anything, trust him, he's a lovely guy tbh doesn't deserve the hate he gets, one of the nicest guys I know!
Liked by: Dylan Mcewan

Opinion of Meghan Donohoe?xx

She's my best friend, means so much to me always there for me as she is for me, such a strong girlie! Makes me laugh and smile In fact every time she facetimes me when im sad after I come off FaceTime I have the biggest smile on my face!!, she's abs gorgeous and perfect tbh, people shouldn't start on here or they will have me to deal with ;)), but honestly known the girl for years and she means a lot love her to bits tbh x
Liked by: meghan donohoe

If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

Burgers I hate burgers ewee

Top 5 boy best friends and girls?

Only have one boy best friend but a few boys am close with? And Meghan, Shannon and Elle?


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