

Ask @aerosolise

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do u like to draw?

Uwah, I do, I do! ( *▽*) Here is a picture I drew of Aoba-san once. It is a little old... It was when I was trying to find him when he was supposed to be at work. He ended up being sent home for the day, and Koujaku-san confiscated him. (*・ω・) Hehe!
do u like to draw

what do u like most? cats or dogs? :3

That is difficult! (゜д゜) Um, um, some dogs can be kind of scary, so I think that would be cats! We have a mother cat who lives outside of the veranda, just underneath it. She has her kittens with her most of the time, but... they've grown older now. I think they're going to get their own lives. It's very sweet... ( ; ω ; )

Which is worse, being too hot or too cold?

Being too cold is difficult... (ㆀ˘・з・˘) I think I am better when it is hotter. Still, it can be difficult, too... Uuu, this is hard...

Do you whistle in public?

_:(´ω`」 ∠):_ I don't, but... I-I do sing... It does irritate people sometimes, but Aoba-san likes it. I think Mizuki-san likes when I sing at work, too, and sometimes, people like to listen!
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Language: English