

Ask @ajinomoto16713

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My girlfriend just admitted that's she considers me to be her life long partner and I don't feel that way yet... Should I tell her

Yeah tell her don’t make her hope :) so u both are not wasting time.
Liked by: chances40

As a mother do you let your 15 year old daughter date a man in his late 20s(he seems good for/to her)

Not now cause ur daughter still young and under aged. Maybe when she turned 18th and aware of the dating world looks like.

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Can men and women be best friends??

Yeah but know ur boundaries. Like someone u can get the advice for. And nothing more than that..

Best date you've ever been on?

lankylevi’s Profile PhotoLevi
When someone surprises me without asking for it. And everything is prepared for you all u can say is wowwww 🙈🥹🙏🏻 unreal … xD

Do you think it’s normal to argue or you should be able to just have a conversation

It is normal to argue if something is wrong and u don’t like the situation. It’s communicating.

I lived with my partner for 1yr and 10 mos and suddenly we seperate ways. And he chose to live with someone who don’t like our relationship. How u gonna feel in this way? Is this right to continue it ? It supposed to be us facing the struggles but still inside of me I don’t like the set up. Urghh

I feel tortured. Arghhh

What’s stopping you from achieving your success? Is it you? Is it money? Is it someone else?

Moneyyy and my environment

If a girl has "single" on her Facebook page and has posted recently do you think she's in a serious relationship?

Well uhm she might be looking for a partner who is serious.


Language: English