

Ask @aleena_kamran1

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Mood RN ........?

hamza918907’s Profile PhotoHamzayyy
And all of sudden I felt really tired-
Like the whole world drained me for all the energy I had
And all of sudden I felt like giving up-
Like my feet felt sore walking around a desert in the drenching sun looking for an oasis to quench the thirst and dying on verge
And all of sudden I felt like screaming to the world-
Like my head would burst, thinking of what a petty mirage is this world
And all of sudden all this pain started to outburst-
Like I have been striving to spend this mortality on a hope of a mere miracle

Which book are you reading rn Pap it?

#itendswithus by Colleen Hoover
Just started it and this is a snippet with a reflection from my head 🗣️
To what I think Yes! Naked truths aren't always pretty.
But Yes it takes a hell lot of courage to speak about them to bring up your own insecurities, your fears and dark desires!
To speak them out loud enough that you sound like asking for mercy, relief and forgiveness for yourself.
To what I believe, Yes those naked truths are someone's key to you, yourself which they either could use to construct or deconstruct you.
To what I believe is, Yes once you start to speak these naked truths you start to become vulnerable with your true self.
And Yes there is NO GOING BACK TO IT-
But You Ask Me Why? Yes these Naked Truths are truly addictive~||
Which book are you reading rn Pap it


Language: English