
Alex Lowe

Ask @AlexLowe

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life threatening

Well I suppose I would have to do it wouldn't I? Because I love my girlfriend more then anything in the world, and loosing her would make my life not worth living, she's my everything and without her I'd be nothing.

She was in danger and the only way to save her life was to fuck a guy...

What type of danger we talking?

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Would you make love to a guy ;)

I'm going to contradict my last answer haha! I wouldn't make love to a guy, because personally I don't swing that way, don't get me wrong I don't have a problem against other people doing it, It just doesn't interest me in the slightest and i love making love to women

Would you kiss a lad??

I know where this is going to lead haha! Depends how you would define the word kiss?

WouLd yoU EvEr GeT wiTh sOmeOne whO HaS sTreTch MaRks?:/

The is nothing wrong them? It's not all about what you like on the outside, it also matters what there person is like on the inside aswell :) Personally they don't bother me

What would you do if you meet an alien?

I'd keep it! Like Stan of american Dad, and call it bob, and have it as my own personal pet ;D


Language: English