
Alex Van Hamme

Que penses-tu des films d'animation ? Quels sont tes préférés ?

I like them, there are a lot of them I haven’t seen yet. But it has to be in the original language, dubbing should be forbidden. People who prefer dubbing should not have the right to vote and deserve to be put in jail for 20 years...

Latest answers from Alex Van Hamme

Football or basketball?

syko_skater’s Profile PhotoNووR
Real football: Soccer...
To look at (TV):
(I’ve never seen an NFL or NBA game in real life) but I would love to. Seen a lot of Soccer matches from the best seats in the stadium:
T2 in het Bosuil Stadion van
Royal Antwerp FC
Nr. “1880”

quesqu’y peut te faire rire?

Hans Teeuwen, The stand ups at the Apollo, fail videos, The Big Bang Theory, Adrian Edmonson & Rick Mayal (RIP)
Katastroof songs...

Real tattoo or henna tattoo?

Real ink, and completely covered.I find henna tattoos very pretty on a woman but they are temporarily for festivities...

Do you talk to yourself?

Yes. And I only discovered that i do this in public as well when I was 31.😳😰
(My sister told me after visiting a store during a vacation in Scotland)

Language: English