
- numb.

Ask @alitakutin

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barusan saya mencari sebuah informasi tentang penduduk indonesia, menurut bps.go.id/tab_sub/view.php?tabel=1&id_subyek=12 penduduk di Indonesia ada sekitar 237 juta org. kita sepakat bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara berkembang tidak luput dari umkm. namun mengapa tingkat kemiskinan kita tinggi

Fahmipermanaaa’s Profile PhotoFahmi
Shit just got real
Liked by: Fahmi

Kaa lensa takumar bisa di canon jg ga?

Yha bisa, semua bisa asal nemu adaptornya aja dique....
Contoh pengguna Takumar + Canon itu salah satu sahabat gue, @diooputra. Cek aja feednya barangkali yoi.
Ni salah satu contoh hasilnyha.
Kaa lensa takumar bisa di canon jg ga

Kak, cara beli efek yg bayar di vsco gimana sih? Thankyou :D

Kurang tau dique, gue ga pernah belu soalnya efek yang gak bayar aja udah cukup lengkap kok. Sering-sering cek aja barangkali lagi ada promo presets gratis. Tapi ya paling pake credit card aja kayak biasa.....

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Alita, kamu kalo foto pake iphone itu pake yang biasa atau yang square di kameranya?

Hai anon, gue langsung square biasanya biar bisa langsung cari rule of thirdnya atau bisa cari angle yang pas buat menuhin framenya. Gue ga bisa ngecrop kalo gak langsung square :')

Hei... Kamu ingin orang menyadari sesuatu tentang dirimu, apa saja itu? Terima kasih...

JawaraDM’s Profile PhotoD.
Semua terangkum di answer-nya @wordfangs. :))
So yup, this pretty much sums me up.
Hei Kamu ingin orang menyadari sesuatu tentang dirimu apa saja itu Terima kasih

Hi, I saw you on my notification tab and noticed you as the person behind TTATW unofficial fan acc. Dropping by to say thanks, for your tweets has helped us fans a lot. Goodnight! (and sorry for being a creep xx)

It's sooo nice of you kak disa! I didn't do anything that much actually. But if it's as functional as what you mentioned... Then i'm so honored. Once again thank you! :)
P.S: their next gig will be held on 14th of March in Gandaria City :p
Have a good Sunday, kak Disa! <3

Suggest gw dong lit, game2 hp lo apa aja?

......anaknya gak suka main game, jadi ga download game sama sekali. Kalo punya spare time paling buka reddit dan flipboard, paling mentok baca komik di webtoon......
Suggest gw dong lit game2 hp lo apa aja

What is your most played song?

"Darling don't be afraid to open another door, i'm gonna knock knock knocking on your door everyday."
-Knock Knock by Akarsana & Suara.
What is your most played song
Liked by: - numb.

Thoughts on knowledgeable man..

What's what?
I prefer the term "smart-smart" (quoting that from Baskara) rather than knowledgeable man..
I don't really understand what should I define. Maybe you'd try to be more specific? Or I guess i'll just answer this with whatever came into my head--i shit you not.
A "smart-smart" boy is a major turn on for me; the one that gives me more knowledge as we talk together, and the one that understands how to appreciate my knowings and willing to teach me things I don't understand, and the one who isn't embarassed to say that he can't and let me teach him. Not that I don't like a "book-smart" boy, but i'm that type of a girl who would assess you through our "dimulai dari udara"--this one is quoted from Supernova--talks.
If you don't excite me with your words or the topic you're trying to spew in first 5 minutes of our talking, then you're out of the league.

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define love then, would you?

Not in the mood to answer anything with cheesy-romantic words but, lagi suka-sukanya sama kata-kata Dee yang ini, dikutip dari Rectoverso.
❝ Hati adalah air, aku lantas menyimpulkan. Baru mengalir jika menggulir dari tempat tinggi ke tempat lebih rendah. Ada gravitasi yang secara alamiah menggiringnya. Dan jika peristiwa jatuh hati diumpamakan air terjun, maka bersamamu aku sudah merasakan terjun, jumpalitan, lompat indah. Berkali-kali. Namun kanal hidup membawa aliran itu ke sebuah tempat datar, dan hatiku berhenti mengalir.❝

Have you been to any cool concerts lately?

Malem minggu kemaren habis dari Bogor SoundCloth. Sengaja dateng karena emang ngefans banget sama 4.20, Naif dan Payung Teduh.
4.20 was very magical. My type banget lah emang yang kayak begini-begini. You should try listening to their Hitam Putih dan Aku Tenang. Seneng banget kemaren mereka ngecover lagunya Float yang Sementara, one of my favorite Float's songs!
Naif was beyond excellent! Stage actnya David emang gapernah mengecewakan. I loooove the energy. Baru sadar setnya mereka sejam lebih pas udah beres. Two of my favorite songs dibawain, Dimana Aku Disini dan Benci Untuk Mencinta. (P.s: i captured david bayu topless! :p)
And last, Payung Teduh. Sebenernya ini kali kedua nonton mereka, tapi tetep ga pernah bosen liat Bang Is perform. Suaranya sukses menenangkan. Ohiya pas acara selesai dia sempet meet and greet bentar, gue sempet salaman. Tapi sedih ga dapet selfie fak :( dia bawain lagu dari album lama, Tidurlah, Kucari Kamu sama Cerita Tentang Gunung dan Laut. Agak rare sih menurut gue sampe semua lagu lamanya dibawain gitu :p aishedap lah pokok'e malem minggu kemaren ena' tenan!
(Bonus pap: kiri atas 4.20, kanan atas Bang Is hasil jepretan adnan, tengah kiri kanan David Naif, kiri bawah adnan ngeselin bisa foto sama bang is :(, kanan bawah selfie gue sama jidat bang is :((((( )
Thank you for the awesome guest stars, Bogor SoundCloth!

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Have you been to any cool concerts lately

Hi... Kamu tidak suka membaca buku, menonton film & mendengar lagu (pun jika tidak, maka anggap saja kamu demikian)... Apakah alasan dibalik ketidaksukaanmu itu? Thanks. Have a good day & don't forget to smile...

JawaraDM’s Profile PhotoD.
Hello Jawara! Sorry for the suuuupppppa late answer.
I think if i dislike any song or any film, it's because it remains me of someone or some memories that i refuse to remember. And i guess, everybody suffers with the same problem, right?
Atau kalo butuh alasan rasional... Maybe because the genre is not suitable for me. Yup, that's it. Have a nice saturday night, jaw!
Liked by: D. Dinda A. Kh.

Recommend lagu apa aja yg stuck in ur mind lately dong Thxxx

"If this is all there is,
Don't wake me for the fight.
I'd rather be alone,
Asleep, not worry for a break tonight.
Don't be a ghost,
don't worry for the lights,
the canopy of lies that keeps you from me.
When we were young,
we could always dare to dream..
That the places we have seen
we're enough to make us who we are.
But now we are hooked,
on the questions in between
that marry you and me,
to a song that we can't sing.
Oh, to know where secrets go
we could start a fire and watch it grow,
we could bury our shoes and wait for rain,
Till the summer takes us home."
http://youtu.be/KlaZMwVHjjsalitakutin’s Video 122864485664 KlaZMwVHjjsalitakutin’s Video 122864485664 KlaZMwVHjjs

Do you remember your dreams?

I remember watching Liverpool playing infront of my eyes. I remember promising myself to be in the same place with the same person in 2016 (they said Liverpool will come back then). I remember rushing in the traffic chasing for Stewart Downing, holding a gift for him, and end up not meeting him until the end of the day. I remember Steven Gerrard waving with his genuine smile. I remember my friends who were so lucky to meet the boys and get their jerseys signed. I remember (almost) crying during the chanting. I remember how happy i was doing the mexican waves. I remember the flare that left a scar on my neck and my scarf. I remember standing at the 23rd minute as a tribute for Jamie Carragher. I remember chanting for Luis Suarez even though he wasn't even there. I remember the things we did on the 92nd until 94th minutes, we promised that we #MenolakLupa.
I miss my old self, the one who was happily in love with Liverpool.
((Maap gak nyambung)) ((lagi kangen))

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Do you remember your dreams

so write a poetry about me please

no shit sherlock, i write poems when i want for someone who has a big impact on me. Who do u think u r
Liked by: Fahmi

hai alita, maaf ganggu, tau tempat yang jual flannel shirt nggak di bogor? makasih hehe

Hai anon. Gue suka ngubek-ngubek flannel shirt dibarisan outlet jalan lodaya. Biasanya kalo gak di Amira di Lumbung Padi.
Atau kalo mau yang harganya agak tida' ena' ke distro-distro aja, but distro's flannel shirts are mostly for men so i recommend you the outlet ones. :)


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