

Latest answers from ambor

do you collect anything?

i like keychains, stickers, backpacks, and sweaters, but keychains seem to be the easiest thing to get

Are you still traumatized by stuff that happened to you in highschool?

i wouldnt say "traumatized" but it did fuck up my way of thinking a bit lmao

A whole month of this class. S*** got me so stressed I want to cry. I'll just have to lift my eyebrow ousted of furrow them to avoid anymore wrinkles.

im sorry to hear that. i cant offer any advice to avoid the stress or anything, so i hope you feel alright. its a month, hopefully itll go by quickly. please rest as much as you can, on weekends maybe do like, pamper days or something? just a day where you relax and watch/do something you enjoy? i dont know, please take care of yourself

Does everyone think compatibility is havin similar interests? I low key get annoyed by ppl that are so much like me. I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone that is so much like me, but ppl seem to think that’s what I should want. Wtf. I don’t get it.

i mean, i think its good to have some similar interests so you can talk about something you both enjoy together, but also it is kinda weird a lot of people think that you should want to be with someone like you. id love to have similar interest with someone but id want to learn new things from someone

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