
Amelita Yonathan

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Cara move on yg ampuh?

1. Lupain.
2. Pikir bahwa banyak hal lain yg bs bkin happy selain pacaran.
3. Pikir kalo putus/patah hati cuma masalah kecil. Gimana dgn org yg lg pacaran ga ada masalah terus pcrnya meninggal? Itu baru parah :'(
4. Cowo/cewe itu masih banyak banget di dunia ini. Ngapain pusing.
5. Make friends as many as you can!
6. Banyakin kegiatan.
7. Bahagiain diri sendiri, lakuin hal2 yg berguna bwt diri sendiri.
8. Yaudah sih bodo amat, semua hal juga datang dan pergi 0:)
9. "I'm not heartless, but I've learnt to use my heart less."
10. Kalo jodoh ga akan kemana. Kalo pergi ya berarti bukan jodoh. Susah amat.
Intinya dalam hal apapun pake perasaan itu boleh, tp juga harus diimbangi dengan otak. Yg udh pergi ya pergi. Yg ga pantes buat dipikirin ya jgn dipikirin. Yg ga mgkin balik ya jgn maksa ngarepin balik. Fokus ke depan jangan ke belakang. Percaya kalo Tuhan udh siapin yg terbaik (bukan cuma lebih baik) di depan. Jadi org yg gampang mellow itu bawaan lahir, tp selamanya jadi mellow itu namanya lo gamau berusaha jd orang kuat! Yeay.

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Kenapa blm punya pacar?

"because i think relationship is not about something enjoyable. it's more about commitment, more about your future determinant. just because you think you have a crush on someone, doesn't mean that they are the best for you. a relationship then leads to a marriage. the right woman/man is not just about the good-looking, nor the rich, not even the successful one.. but the one with the personality that suits you well. the kind of personality that may not be the perfect one but you know you are able to handle. because the 'being crazily in love' feeling just last about 1,5 - 2 years period of time (according to the 'Sacred Search' by Gary Thomas), then, the reality comes up, becoming the one that lasts forever, becoming the determinant about how your relationship will last. because when you marry someday, that person with that personality is the first one you will face you wake up and the last one when you go to sleep. the one who will be your partner in working together of teaching your children about life value, your partner of building the family with God's value. the one whom you'll face and solve every life problem with. i know that we don't know if a relationship could last in walking down the aisle. but what's the point of having relationship without at first thinking if that person become your soulmate someday? so ya, it is easy just to like or having a crush on someone, easy to find good-looking or rich people, so easy to be in a relationship, but personality that fits well is the most important yet the hardest one to find."
- Amelita Yonathan (haha)
so here is the serious answer, for those so-many-people who keep asking me of why i haven't been in a relationship or why it seems like i have no interest of being in a relationship again. *little smile*

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Kalo punya cowo maunya yang gimana?

- dr segi muka sesuai kriteria gw (yg jelas bukan soal ganteng apa jelek, susah deh jelasinnya pkoknya bkn yg kliatan yg tegas banget gt)
- badan yg penting wajar aja haha
- jgn lebih pendek ato lebih muda dr gw! hahaha
- ga berotot atau kalo ada otot ya dikit dan wajar aja
- gw prefer cowo lembut yg unyu ato kocak dibanding cowo yg kliatan gentleman ato macho abis
- pembawaannya tenang, ga pernah ngebentak
- ga suka ngomong gede ato pamer
- bukan gamer tingkat berat
- gw ga suka cowo gengsian, kyk misalnya kalo takut kecoa ato pny phobia ato apalah ya blg aja itu asli gemesinn :3
- ga gengsian juga buat minta maaf kalo dia emg ada salah
- bs seru becanda2, tp di bbrp saat dia bs treat me like a princess or a little girl dimana gw bs dimanja sm dia
- setia, perhatian dan romantis tp bukan di awal2 pedekate doang, tp juga bkn yg lebay kyk mesti bukain pintu mobil gt ihh haha
- kliatan punya tujuan hidup, bkn yg apa2 dibayarin ortu tnpa udah mulai pny gambaran ke depannya dia mau gimana
- bs bikin gw senyum dan ketawa terus :$ aw aw
- yg paling penting gw klop sm dia, kalo lg sm dia ga pernah kehabisan topik bukan karna maksa, tp saling nyaman bwt cerita hal apa aja bahkan yg ga penting sekalipun (dia bs jadi kyk human diary bwt gw), gw bs jadi diri sendiri kalo lg sama dia dan dia juga begitu
sekian. hehehe :p

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belom tidur ??

Aku mau curhat aja hari ini hari h nya baksos aku dan temen2 loh! Tema baksosnya Empathy (Embrace People and Create Harmony), keren kan? *eh. Pokoknya seneng banget setelah seharian cape2 hari ini, setelah suka duka yg dilewatin tim baksos dr awal terbentuk tim, setelah berbagai ganjalan hati yang sempat (ataupun masih) ada di diri ini, akhirnya semuanya terbayarkan dengan suksesnya acara hari ini! Kita ke Panti Asuhan Agape di daerah Kelapa Gading gitu deh. Pokoknya hari ini seru, anak2 pantinya juga ekspresif banget, pengurus pantinya baik2. Anak2 Himsisfo semuanya yg dateng juga TE O PE BE GE TE pokoknya! Trus buat odi sbg koor komisi 2 yg baik bak malaikat, gatau lagi harus bilang apa ke dia :") POKOKNYA SENEEEENGGGG (walaupun.. *apasih) YEAY! SELAMAT REINHART, CHEPPY SBG KETUA DAN WAKIL KETUA DAN JUGA SEMUA DPI-KOOR BAKSOS 2014! *tiupterompet*
NB: Eh gapapa ya gue curhat?

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Mel tbh dong hehe

ideliaillona’s Profile PhotoIdelia Illona
Idel ituuuu temen plg unikkk yg gw kenalll hahahaha
Anaknya tomboyy, cm blkgan gayanya udah lmyn girly gt deh. Tipe2 cuek bebek gitu mksdnya ga banyak pusing yg penting hepii. Ga pendendam, bodoamat gt deh org mw gimana. Pencinta novell, suka baca sm kyk gw. Idel bogell suka dipanggil bodell bahahaha, anaknya kocak seru asik sepaket, plus enak diajak curcol. Idel bnyk yg ingin meraih hatinya, tp sptnya hatinya trlalu tinggi utk dicapai pria2 di luar sana sepertinyaaa nyehehe. Rumahnya dijadiin markas ccm dr jaman bahelaa. Punyan nyokap yg nmnya tante a*** sm bokap yg nmnya i*******. Oiya idel jago yoga loh, mgkin diem2 suka bljr sm tante nuri hahahahaha!


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