

Ask @anesaaa14

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oh okay...alright just saying that we all miss like talking to you and hope that we can talk to you more! stay beautiful!

then let's talk! I honestly miss being with my old friends and really hope to have classes with them..

because you're not the same...you are always hanging out with like the "popular" people, not saying they're bad, but like it's just different when you're all about them and not about your old friends...

Hahahah I don't hangout with popular people? Like who lol? Andd actually couple days before school ended I talked to my rose hill friends and were sticking together❤️we didn't hang much because I had literally not one class with any of them.

When you came to Rose Hill it was so exciting but idk what happened...you're just not the same Anesa we all knew...you are still sweet and everything but idk...something is just wrong...I wish we had the old Anesa back...

Welll really I know I have changed but I don't necessarily think it's bad...But if you look back on my answers when I actually cared about ask so many people were saying change this change that and even though I wasn't planning on it, it happened... I just don't get what's wrong?...

Idk who it is, but would you go out with your ex again if he asked you tomorrow?

I basically don't even have an ex. But I know who you're referring to and no


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