

Ask @annisayurizk

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Kalo kalian suruh milih lebih baik bertahan dengan rasa sakit atau pergi dengan rasa sayang? Sebab ditinggalkan atau meninggalkan akan sama sama merasakan sakit :))

leave him/her. gausah membodohi diri sendiri lah, kamu sendiri udah tau kalau bertahan gaada manfaatnya.
coba lain kali kalau lihat sesuatu tuh dari 3rd perspective, jangan dari perspektif kamu terus. hasil yang diambil dari 1 pandangan pasti subjektif.
stop juga lihat post post melankolis-loyo tentang hubungan pacaran di ig twitter youtube dll dsb, itu menurutku banyak toxicnya. ayo belajar berpokir realistis
Liked by: Reymar

Siapa panutanmu?

my current panutan is @afutami. i suggest u to hear her podcasts or asumsi bersuara's podcast with her as the guest in spotify and u'll why i stan her
and elon musk just bcs its elon musk. do i need to explain abt this????
and exo suho just because he's amazing as a person and as an artist
in beauty's field, i thought it will be rowena tsai and liah yoo because they always share their honest thought abt makeups and skincares (and doesnt accept the paid-review, this is the most important) and they always put so much effort in order to give us the best best information including reading some researches, consulting with the experts, etc. and both of them makes content abt mind-positivity too. with all of this, i cant ask for a better beauty blogger

What’s the most annoying piece of clothing your parents made you wear during your childhood?

by reading this, i realize that my daily fashun back then was much much much more cute and tidy and expensive and full of effort than my daily outfit when im adult lol hahaha i got uglier as time goes by
im going to reanswer this once i found my *cute* childhood photo/s

Maukah kau merelakanku? (Jawab dengan puisi coba)

whoever u are, better u go to sleep rn instead of asking me this (fyi: its a question, yall) bcs its already 1am in case u want a good health for the rest of ur life. its not a threat, its because i really care abt u so i do think that i need to say this

lagu yang suka di dengerin kaka apa??

are we dont follow each other on ig? because if we do i bet u know my music preference since i've posted songs that i listened to a looooot

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

i never know that i could think abt my kind of perfect-romantic evening in just a spare of seconds after i read this hahahaha ternyata gue bisa bucin jg y

Rambut panjang tapi kriting/rambut pendek tapi lurus

what's with that "tapi"? is any of rambut panjang, kriting, pendek, or lurus are disadvantage?

Makan nutella enaknya pake apa selain diolesin ke roti atau digado?

digado >>>> semua olahan nutella yang ada di dunia

Siapa yang menginspirasimu?

Gaada specific person sih, tapi suka sama orang yang self-determinationnya kuat, dan akhirnya bisa dapetin goals dia

like to lari dr mslh ya? kok hobi ngblock org uh~

gue punya masalah hidup apasi dulu kok question box gue isinya gini duh. in case u read this, i dont remember i ever block anyone who had a beef with me💁‍♀️

What makes a person rich?

ever heard about inherited wealth? research says that 80% of wealthy population in the world are people that's already rich before, and the rest are the champion of an open competition, where billions people in the world that doesn't have an enough privilege were striving and competing to be it.
in conclusion, if you want to be rich, u need to comes out from a rich mom's womb. otherwise, just accept the fact that we aren't rich hahaha unless u want to be the 2nd jack ma

im gonna delete my ask.fm in a blink of eye so nowwww let me answer every questions on my question box including the dumb's q


Jika seseorang memiliki kemauan untuk melakukan inovasi baru, akan tetapi terhalang oleh rasa malas, menurutmu hal apakah yang harus dia lakukan? dan apa yang bisa menghilangkan rasa malas?

Coba tonton TED-nya Ridwan Kamil di youtube deh, yang versi sebelum dia jadi kepala daerah. He talks a looooot about innovation and creativity. Banyak pelajaran bagus disana.
Selain beliau, banyak juga pembicara TEDxJakarta yang bahas tentang ini, tapi lupa hahahaha paling inget ya versi dia

kalo doi kamu selingkuh dengan yang lain apa yang bakal kamu lakukan??

Ini kenapa pertanyaannya semuanya tentang pacar/mantan/gebetan/nikung/selingkuh semua deh:(

Apa yang kamu tambahkan di pizza-mu?

Pizza+sambel. Terus dibantuin mba-mba pizza hut tiap ngeluarin sambel dari botol. Maafkan aku mba:(


Language: English