

Ask @anonnumbersandletters8

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Could you still find me if I change phones and numbers and moved?

That sounds like a lot of work. All you gotta do is change numbers and that it

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I'm going to play music and sleep. Tired of repeating the answer you refuse to ask

The answer I refuse to ask? Don’t you mean question? Lol

Does it bother you how someone you think about throughout the day doesn’t ever contact you?

Nope. That’s why I don’t waste my time thinking about someone who doesn’t think about me

Would you be bothered if your ex stopped posting anything, and didn't care to see your sm anymore if that's the only way you have any interaction?

Nah I wouldn’t be bothered. They’re an ex. They can do whatever they want to do. I don’t own them and they don’t own me

Y do men cheat

Depends on the man and the relationship their in. Some cheat cause they can get away with it. Others cause it’s a game to them. Others do it cause they don’t actually want commitment. While others don’t feel satisfied in the relationship and seek it from others. The same things apply to women as well

Is it a problem for you if the person you like has never been in a relationship before?

Nope not a problem at all. I’ll make sure I’ll guide and be there for that certain someone

Has your crush ever followed you around school or showed up in your neighborhood after school?

Not that I know of. If they did they did a good job of hiding it


Language: English