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Dear my future daughter.
1. Respect your mom.
2. Obey your mom.
3. Listen to your mom
4. Repeat 1-3.
5. Your happiness is your happiness and yours alone.
6. A boyfriend does not validate your existence.
7. Wear what makes you feel gracefully at ease.
8. Love the world unconditionally.
9. Seek beauty in all things.
10. There is no shame in hoping for love.
11. Do not take sex lightly.
12. I mean it.
13. Men are effectively idiots until the age of 26.
14. Involve yourself in an organized activity of your choosing.
15. Listen to classical music occasionally.
16. But you can love my records collection
17.Science is really cool.
18. So is literature.
19. And history.
20. And math.
21. Argue with people when you need to.
21. If it’s worth fighting for, fight fiercely.
22. Don’t fight for acceptance.
23. I'll kill people for you.
24. Ask your mother if you not believe me.
25. Woman is a woman is a woman.
26. There is a certain kind of man you need to avoid at all costs.
27. Those who hurt you and proud of it.
28. You are forever my baby girl.
Dear My future Son
1. Respect your mom.
2. Obey your mom.
3. Listen to your mom
4. Repeat 1-3.
5. Respect woman.
6. I fuckin mean it.
7. Be kind to the nerdy girl.
8. That was once your mother.
9. Be gentle to the world.
10. Walk her home and tuck her in.
11. That girl is your sister, your mother, your daughter.
12. That skirt isn’t an invitation to stare.
13. Read Austen
14. And Emily Bronte
15. And Simone de Beauvoir
16. And Mafalda
17. Empathy is wealth.
18. Misogyny is not cool.
19. And option either.
20. So what if she’s taller than you are?
21. So what if she’s smarter than you are?
22. Wisdom is humble.
23. Science is cool.
24. So is Physics
24. Having religion is good.
25. Not having doesn't make you less human.
26. Gay is not reason to hatred.
27. My best friend is one of them and you like him.
28. Lipstick isn’t scary.
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