BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November 06, 2014 Yaaaaaaaaaas Liked by: thatonepastychick Jordi_labanda AzzamALNazzawi Virmi dubuleadah BowieeW Bradylong16 Taeswaggonx100 MineMFP MeNoxksa
Pap of your 4 pack??? November 03, 2014 You mean 12 pack? Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh Надежда Брагина stephanie Tyler Riordan
I wasnt even looking Tyler Riordan November 03, 2014 Good job Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh Надежда Брагина Tyler Riordan
Do you eat noodles with sauce or plain? How are noodles incorporated into your culture? Please write a 420 page essay on how noodles have helped you become who you are today Tyler Riordan November 02, 2014 Your inquiry has been noted, will be answered in approx. 17-19 business days. Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh Tyler Riordan
I came here to inquire you about noodles Tyler Riordan November 02, 2014 I'm listening.. Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh
WINGARDIUM LEVIOSSSAAUUHHH October 28, 2014 LEVIOSSAAAUUUUUGHHH Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh Tyler Riordan Matt Mangal
What is one thing you would never wear? October 02, 2014 Overalls without a shirt Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh Tyler Riordan
ohmigosh ramen noodles is alive on ask stephanie October 02, 2014 believe it bruh Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh stephanie Tyler Riordan
vote 4 pedro or else October 02, 2014 I will marry you, like now Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh stephanie
How was your first day of school? I saw you from a distance but I didn't want to walk up to you August 25, 2013 Wait who are you? Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh
What frustrates you the most? July 29, 2013 When I ask for mah steak to be medium well and they make it medium rare!!!!! GOD DANGIT Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh stephanie
Take the quiz to see how well you know me!:D stephanie July 19, 2013 What quiz? :| Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh
I LOVE STEAK. lol July 15, 2013 Then you are an awesome person :D Liked by: Areej_k_athamneh stephanie