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Let the creativity flow! New Instagram contest.

Let the creativity flow! The topic of ASKfm [] contest this week is “Self-expression”. Realize your potential and discover your opportunities; explore, create and share!
Create a photo about the topic and post it in your account with a link on ASKfm profile. Use hashtags #ASKfmSelfexpress and #ASKfm, tag @askfm in a post. Tell us your photo-stories, and we’ll repost some of them in our account!
P.S. you can still post with #ASKfmDiscover too ?
Let the creativity flow New Instagram contest

Introducing ASKfm Values

Be curious. Get to know your friends, the world and yourself.
● Curiosity about others is one of our main driving forces.
● We support curiosity in every way, e.g., by surfacing trending answers, bringing
interesting people together and inspiring promoted questions.
● We encourage people to be brave, not timid. Questions can be challenging,
provoking or uncomfortable – they help to shape one’s personality.
Introducing ASKfm Values

You receive negative comments online. What to do?

Don't worry! Sometimes it happens to everyone.
Just keep calm and 1) Don't retaliate;
2) Don't reply, if you're angry or mad;
3) Report;
4) Block;
5) Tell somebody;
6) Check your settings;
If you have any questions, just contact our Support team:
or ask:’s Video 140372803338 cwpeYA6x0iUaskfm’s Video 140372803338 cwpeYA6x0iU

Take part in ASKfm exciting contest on Instagram! What you have to do?

Go to our Instagram page:
1. Create a photo/video/collage/boomerang/drawing about topic “Discover the world around”. The craziest and most extraordinary shots are kindly welcome!
2. Use hashtag #ASKfmDiscover
3. Tag @ASKfm on the post (make sure you’re following our account)
4. Share the post to your social media and inspire friends to ‘like’ it.
Post your shots by November 21, 11 a.m. EST. We’ll post the best 9 images on our Instagram page with a link to your ASKfm and Instagram accounts. Don’t forget to add a link to your ASKfm account in bio.
Special prize — your image on ASKfm Facebook page (more than 4 million followers).
Hurry up and show your creativity to the whole world!
Take part in ASKfm exciting contest on Instagram What you have to do

Introducing ASKfm Values

We know that asking questions builds relationships, so we make it easy to build a community of the people you are curious about.
● We make sure that you can find answers about anything that you are interested in. To do this, you need to be able to interact with different communities before becoming a part of them. We make sure everyone can have a community to join.
● Do you need to know who is following you? Sometimes users are too shy or embarrassed to ask their questions publicly. This is why we made it easy to ask anonymous questions, while still allowing the person to accept the best answer.
● Some ideas are better than others. The world naturally consists of opinion leaders, for example inventors or early adopters. Rather than struggle to change the natural process, you can leverage them. ASKfm uncovers interesting insights about opinion leaders and other ideas.
● What’s the easiest way to connect people inside ASKfm? Find the ones whose opinion matters to you most. This may include people you know as well as people you don't know yet. Making these new connections is as the heart of ASKfm.
● Is there a limit to the number of possible connections? We may impose restrictions, because anything that is limited is more valuable. Plus, it's always better to ease a limitation later than introduce a new one.
● How is connecting different today than it was 5 years ago? How can we see the evolution of our thinking?
○ switching from the web access to apps
○ progression from Wi-Fi to flat rate mobile internet
○ movement from plain to rich media
○ lowered response time in social media
○ usage based fragmentation of social media
○ going live
Be curious. Explore the people around. Just ask!

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Introducing ASKfm Values


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