These ads look like they're part of the answer thats above it!
Yeah, we just released this new ad type but we'll make some tweaks soon to make it more clear that they're not part of any answer. Sorry, if it's causing any confusion.
How to apply job at Seriously you're awesome guys and I feel like wanna be in the team. But LOL. Whatever.
If you're over 18, have a degree and live in one of the cities where we have offices, you can apply for one of our open positions you can see on our About pages:
Don't respond to bullies. Some people try to get attention and feel better by putting other people down. If you ignore them, they fail. Also, report and block them so they can't bother you anymore.
wieso sieht das designe (von bei Apple anders aus als bei Android? ich finds cooler wenn es so aussieht wie bei Apple
Die Development Kits für iOS und Android sind verschieden, deswegen sieht das Design auch etwas anders aus. Wir werden aber in der Zukunft versuchen beide Apps visuell anzugleichen.
How can we tell fake accounts from real accounts?? Help pls!!!
One way is to check if other official resources mention the Ask account. Look at verified Twitter accounts or Facebook pages. Most real accounts reference their official accounts on other social networks or on their website. Just like us, our official Twitter, Facebook and the footer of our website, all point to this Ask account. That's how you know it's real.