What do you think about the Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner transition? Are you for or against? Why?
We should all have the freedom to live as the person we truly are and want to be. We should all have the courage to live our lives the way we choose, no matter what anyone thinks. And we should all have the tolerance for someone as brave as Caitlyn Jenner to be herself without judgment.
MAN! im really going insane dude, my wall aint working it says "Oops! Something went wrong.
(but we still love you)" WHY??? my other accounts work not my main one!
Sorry, should be a temporary issue that will resolve itself.
Does it show the username of an anonymous asker when I block them? Like in the blacklist?
No, anonymous questions are always anonymous. You can block anonymous askers but you can only see the question they asked in your blacklist, not the username.
Will you make answers editable in the future without having to delete the entire response?
It's a recurring question. There are good arguments for allowing edits and keeping them permanent. It's another question that requires more reflection.
You can unblock someone in your Settings > Privacy > Blacklist. All blocked accounts appear on your blacklist. Anonymous accounts you blocked are identified by the question they asked when you blocked them.
I know the password to my friends ask but she doesn't know. I went on it the other day and found out she was the one giving me hate. what do I do?
Doesn't sound like a good friendship. Maybe focus on friends who are positive and loving and be a friend they can also trust. And block/report her if necessary.