Can you please have questions of the day earlier? Like at 7:30 or some like damn
It posts at midnight GMT. We get that it posts at odd times of the day for some people around the world, but if we were to change the time, it would just be later for millions of other users.
I deactivated my account over a month ago. now i want to make a new one and add my twitter to it, but it says my twitter is in use with another account.
You can't connect the same Twitter account to a new profile if it is still connected to an old, even deactivated profile.
I kept getting annoying questions a few months ago from anonymous, and then I decided to block one of the questions, and it seems I never get annoying questions anymore. Now I want to unblock that user but I have no idea who the user is. So how do I unblock it? Thank you.
In your blacklist, you can see the question each anonymous asker wrote to identify which one you want to unblock.