
I Care

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Am I in love..or do I care to much

I think the only way you can care too much is if the other person isn't caring for you aswell. If they are then it shows how they want to be with you but if they don't show any interest then maybe you do care too much but it's not a bad thing xx
Liked by: melanie

It's so nice how you give advices and stuff! But I just have a little question. Sometimes it's easier to tell people what to do than follow them yourselves. Do you think you would be able to follow all of these advices yourself? or most of them at least? esp. relating to guy problems?

i always think about this, and no i dont think i could really. but some of the things i would depending on the type of problem. i dont really have much confidence myself so i guess its different for different people. if they are more confident then the chances are they may follow it. but i understand if they dont, and i dont know the people which obviously makes it harder. but i just hope i help, even if its just them telling me :) xx
Liked by: Elenore Lévêque

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im 13 and pregnate with a black baby what should i do xxxx Alysiah'Marie

How do you even know it's a black baby?

I'm very insecure because i'm bullied and it still going on, the people are saying that i'm fat and ugly and i've no real friends because i don't trust people not anymore. Once i had a friend but she turned in to a bully..

you need to work out who you are first. there is no point in trying to be someone who you're not. i know it's hard, but you should try and stand up for yourself. talk to more people go out at weekends and meet people from different schools, it will soon get easier. this isnt really much help as i cant stop the bullies etc xx
Liked by: Indy Clifford ♡

How do I tell someone I don't wanna hang out with them this person reallt scares me I don't want to be alone with them please help

Just try and see less of them, don't literally blank them out but try an ignore them subtly without them getting offended! Tell a friend how you feel and then maybe they will help you out, maybe they will try and be with you more often so the other person may get the message? It a hard one really because you don't want to be mean xxx

“You get a little moody sometimes but I think that’s because you like to read. People that like to read are always a little fucked up.” — ― Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides


ye but he already knows i like him he said to me tbh u might have a chance with me if i didnt like that other girl but he asked her out and she said no so????

even though you say you really like him, i think he sounds like a bit of a player if im honest. he's basically saying you're second best:/ and you deserve more than that xxx

I'm 14 and i've been thinking about killing myself for a few months now, should I do it?;/

Don't. Think about it even though you are having a very low time in your life, just think how it will affect your parents family and friends. Write everything down on a piece of paper that is making you feel upset then burn it so its almost like everything I going away. Tell a friend how you feel, their not mind readers, they care about you they need to know! Hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Dorian Hoying

I'm overweight for my age (and I'm not talking just like a couple pounds) and I hate it...I've been bullied and I just want people to like me for who I am...sometimes I feel like when I wear certain clothes, kids like me better...I only have a couple close friends but they just tell me I'm not fat:/

you're not fat you're beautiful. guys dont find it attractive when girls are stick thin! and im sure there is someone out there would do anything to look a bit like you! forget about the bullies, they aren't worth it and have nothing better to do than making other people feel like rubbish! dont feel like you have to wear certain things for people to like you more be who you are. wear things that YOU want to wear! keep those friends close! their the ones who really matter, just keep your head up high! and if they are telling you you're not fat fat then you obviously arent xxx
Liked by: Dorian Hoying

I have this friend in class and she's extremely overprotective. She gets mad whenever I hang out with anyone else. Yesterday I told her I made a deal with some other friends to be with them in the room when we go to London (school trip) and she got offended. DAFUQ DO I DO WITH HER? She annoys me ugh

shes just jealous that you have other friends. you just need to talk to her about it. if shes still really off with you maybe shes not the friend you thought she was:/ xxx

Well I get home and my uncle is usally there he makes me do whatever he wants me to if I don't do what he wants if I don't he slaps me or hits me I don't eat properly and I'm confused I'm 13 and I don't know what this is

this is definitely a type of abuse. do you live with anyone else other than your uncle?:) xx
Liked by: Beth Erskine

well im losing all my friends and I haven't done anything too them,i have tried to be a better person and I have became a better person but they now hate me? I don't know what too do anymore without my friends im nothing please help me I really don't know what to do and im losing my bff too her bf.

its really good that youve become a better person but trust me you wont get anywhrere in life by not being yourself! they arent worth it, they arent true friends. you may think they are but people who treat you like that are seriously not! you just need to find some new friends, talk to different people and get to know more people, its easy and im sure yoyre lovely so just try and forget about the rest xx
Liked by: eleri bevan.

I was with my friend 2 months ago in her house, and I was supposed to just be staying the night, but then she hit me with a book and knocked me out, and when I came to I was tied up on her bed Her parents weren't home And then she raped me, and she said she would again, and I'm really scared to tell

right this is wrong on so many levels, i dont think im the person to talk to about this, i think you need counselling or something xx
Liked by: Lau♥

Me and my bf want to kiss but are friends keep saying that we are a Teriable couple and that I'm a slut bc I hang out with him and he walks me to my classes and he hugs me.....what do I do

thats perfectly normal if youre in a relationship?! if your friends are saying that then they arent true friends! tell them how you feel, you need to find new friends if they say things like that! they obviously dont know the meaning of the word slut so just dont listen, hope this helps xx

i like a boy, and he knows it.. but i did things with him.. but i think he's using me.. because he's acting weird if we're with friends.. and when we're alone he's so nice to me..

Tell him how you feel, chances are he's just really shy and doesn't want to be embarrassed but then there is a chance of him using you aswell, use your instinct if you think he's using you then you don't trust him, you can't be together! Hope this helps xx
Liked by: melanie

What do you think? How old guy must be older than his girl?

I don't think age should really matter when you're an adult to a certain extent but I think when you're young there should be the two year rule?
Liked by: Love

Hi . Theres this someone which is my friend .. she kept on judging me . Such as im ugly, im acting cute, im not pretty at all, i seek attention and all ! I really dun like it .. i wish i could tell her this .. but if i tell her she would say, then dun friend me la .. i rlly dw to lose her ..

I understand that you don't want to lose her but its for the best! I don't think you understand that she's not a true friend at the minute but in a few years time you really will and you'll regret ever spending time with her! You can do so much better, I bet there are people that would love to be your friend! You just need to talk to more people and you'll soon find a true friend!xxx
Liked by: Ü

What do I need to do to make boy fall in love with me?

You shouldn't need to do anything, you need to just be yourself and then if a boy likes you it will be completely natural. Don't try too hard or anything just be yourself and let if be xx
Liked by: Love

My ex-boyfriend was kidding when he wanted to brake up with me but people told me he wasn't kidding so I broke up with him but then I talked to him and he said he was kidding and I said so that's it and he said yes and I began to cry but he doesn't know I like him still what should I do....

hes not worth it! however much you may like him he sounds like a bit of an idiot if im honest. you just need to forget about him, start talking to new people. you're worth so much more! especially if he was 'kidding' when he broke up with you. dont go back to him, if hes hurt you once he can hurt you again, hope this helps xxx
Liked by: franny


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