

Ask @asvpjake

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do you want to know?

I'm pretty sure you aren't gonna tell me so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time begging to find out, if you're gonna tell me text me, if you aren't...well you aren't I guess

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You're absolutely beautiful and your dress sense is amazing, fuck what everyone says about you, I think you seem nice x

thanks x

i know you're not single but yeah i like you and i feel silly

oh...well I've got no idea who this could be, do you even speak to me

Gads you done even have problems so stop thinking you do, wanna be emo

when did i ever say i had problems lmao wtf

I reckon the #IForgot was taking the piss out of the "Twitter Community"? I'm on your side for this one!

It refers to the people who take part in a trend (pardon the pun). I said what I said because I believe that it is an insult to those we remember by only sacrificing 2 minutes of the 527,040 we have in a year. What good does two minutes of silence do? For the most of you; it's 1 week of wearing a poppy, a two minute silence and then throw remembrance day into the back of your minds until next year while you return to watching towie. I believe that if the deaths of all the soldiers really hurts you, and hurts you enough to insult me in the way that some people were doing, then you should take 2 minutes out of every day to remember them. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Respect is an abstract noun. It exists in the same way which stupidity does. You cannot see stupidity, you cannot taste it, you cannot smell it and you cannot touch it. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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who do you hate the most?

Nobody. It takes far more effort to hate someone than it does to have no feelings toward them, to completely ignore them or if you have to - be civil to them. I'd rather just not hate anyone. I'm far, far too lazy

your a stuck up arsehole, you look your nose down at everyone, why you have friends I do not know

you're* wrong. I don't have to look down upon anyone. In fact if you were to ask most people who know me at school and shit they'd tell you I rarely speak to anyone. I don't actually do anything wrong half the time and I still get hundreds of fucking idiots coming to flame me. Like you - You are an idiot. And that's coming from me. And I mean it.

You must be a celebrity, you even wear sunglasses to parties. What a fucking knob end.

I must be! You know I've been thinking to myself that I'm a celebrity for quite some time now, due to the way in which many retards flock to me in the same way they do justin bieber and jimmy saville, but now you've definitely shown me the truth. Thanks anon.

what do you think of danielle creevy and rachel hewitson?

tbh they aren't really that bad, they can be nice and they are pretty, they are just really stupid and horrible sometimes
Liked by: PiZZA_SLUT .


Language: English