

Ask @avissans

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Ada yang pernah ga kalian buay status atau konten sindiran tapi ga ada maksud ke orang tertentu, eh dianya baper langsung hapus kontak atau ngeblok? Wkwkwk lemah bgt mentalnya

How do you know about someone’s mental health? 🤔 kayaknya yang dipermasalahkan bukan orangnya baper/ga sih, lebih ke arah intensi lo nulis komen/omongan negatif di media sosial apa. Maksud gue, dari awal aja lo udah salah menyindir orang yg lo rahasiakan namanya di medsos. What would you expect from social media? To be exact, why do you expect everyone that read your posts to concede to it? Coba cari tau lagi apa yg buat lo ga bahagia sama itu orang. gw ga baper yeee tp yaa post yg lawak2 aje kak mending, soalnya idup udah ribet mikirin org yg lo gasuka lebih bikin ribet

ketika masa lalu kita tak diterima seseorang bisakah kita mengubahnya???

Mengubah apanyaa? Masa lalu? Udah lewat gabisa diubah. Ubah diri kita biar diterima sama orang tersebut? Kita gabisa maksa seseorang buat berubah, pun sama halnya dengan mengubah diri kita supaya bs fit in ke orang itu. Yaudah just let him/her go, and always expect yourself to be a better person setiap harinya

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Kebanyakan dari qt,,,, suka banget melihat diri sendiri di depan cermin.. Sayangnya,,, ternyata cermin itu tak sepenuhnya jujur menampilkan diri qt..

Lah justru jujur lah drpd kamera lebih ga jujur lagi bisa diedit dan di filter?

kamu hidup buat apa?

Ya buat diri gue sendiri?! Tp faktor terbesar yangg sangat menguatkan itu keluarga sih

lebih susah ujian praktik apa ujian tulis?

Praktikkk huhu soalnya kalo ujian tulis kalo gatau jawabannya bisa di skippp kalo praktik gabisa dan kalo ditanya2 harus spontan jawabnya:(

Terganggu gak sih, pas lagi main ada temen yg sok kenal padahal dia cuman sebates tau nama doang?

Ngga sih, soalnya gapernah memberi penilaian ke orang baru sebagai “sok kenal”. Siapa tau orang itu emang pengen kenal kita lebih dalem jadi gue seneng2 aja sih nerima nya

GUE CEWEK,menurut kalian, jurusan yang mudah dapat pekerjaan apa??

Gaada yg mudah, kalo ada mah udah berjuta juta orang masuk jurusan itu. Intinya disesuain sama apa yang lo interest buat lo pelajarin ajaa. Karena kalo gasuka sama matkulnya nyiksa batin sm pikiran bgt aslik. Sedangkan kalo udah suka sm jurusannya mau secapek apa bawaannya jg ttp happy

Suka parfum wangi apa?

Yang fragrance nya bayi sih huhu emg kayak selera nini nini dah tp intinya yg soft dan bukan vanilla

Cewek pinter masak or cewek pinter dandan?

rosaliavina’s Profile PhotoApin
Nothing scares me more than intellectual women. Selalu amazed sama orang yang pinter wawasannya (baik cewe maupun cowo), yang bisa diajak diskusi dari hal yg gampang2 kayak kartun atau film sampe yg susah kayak politik luar negeri dan idealism

Kamu kapan dek lulusnya? Ibuku udah pengen punya cucu loh ?

Guess i need to find the literature about the correlation between “kapan lulus” and “pengen cucu” in sci hub right now

Ciwik2, yg suka make up, kasi tau brush make up yg bagus merek apa

Real techniques. Brushnya bubah alfian jg sebenernya bagus sih tp buat aku pribadi sih b aja

Kok kangen viseye sihh?

WEEEYYY MAYAANGG!! gimanzzz udah selese beloom uasnyaa?? Yukk laa ketemuan ama jegi renal dkk wkwkkw

Jika kamu bisa ngerubah segalanya, apa yg ingin kamu ubah?

Smartphone and its power.
Anyway, this is what I wrote few months ago on my private instagram, and it’s gonna be long, sorry?
Smartphone. Who doesn't know it? Smartphone has a lot of benefits. Yes, smartphone definitely makes everything easier. With smartphone, we can still keep in touch with our dearest friend that living in another cities or countries. No actually the point is, I'm not talking about smartphone and its advantages. I'm talking about how smartphone sluggishly enslaved us.
Have you ever been in a situation where you finally met someone (your friends; parents or lovers) for a long time but they ended up busy with their own smartphone rather than spared more quality time with you? I'm just asking because that's how I feel. I've been in that situation, and nooo I'm not going to mock everyone who did it. It is fun sometimes, besides; who doesn't want to share their own happiness through snapgram/snapchat?
Well, It is neither false nor correct anyway. Actually it is based on how you react. That is why for now, I'm not in a good mood to hear other people's perspectives. Because I know, the people who read this will eventually deny it.
My assumption is that: I think we are living in the era where capturing our moments using smartphone is more important than spending our moments with whoever beside us. We started to forget that instead of taking photos with our beloved ones, doing so many memorable things with our beloved ones is fxxking priceless.

Because I still believe that most of the best moment of our lifes actually don't make it into social media. I feel like not everybody deserves to know what you are doing, how you are living; you have your own privacy, eh? That is why I just need a break from my second instagram; you can call me selfish. but really, I just want to simply appreciate myself, and live my life peacefully without any distraction. Is it cool when you are having fun with your friends without even have a time to check on your phone every minutes? ?

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Liked by: arum

Poem of this month write by you

[ I hate that it was a coincidence ]
I hate that it was an accident, so we were in a same group.
I hate the way that we are getting much closer than before
I hate the way you teased me, but still, I couldn’t get angry at you.
I hate the way you were curious about where my house is.
I hate the way you drove me home after class ended
I hate the way you gave me your jacket when I was cold
I hate the way you secretly took some pictures of me at your camera, even though I actually realized it.
Well, I told you to erase it; yet you tried to refuse

But mostly, I hate the way you make me feel this way.
And i hate the fact that all those little things that happened between you and me;were only coincidence.

Kak menurut kakak, lebih bagus make toilet duduk atau toilet jongkok? Kalo kakak sendiri di rumah pke yang mana?

Kalo dari sisi kesehatan sih lebih bagus toilet jongkok yaa. Soalnya pernah baca di suatu artikel kalo toilet nya duduk pas mengejan bakal susah gitu dan bakal bisa bikin ambeien apa ya duh lupa.
Tapi tetep aja gua pilih toilet duduk HAHAHAH


Language: English