
maia mitchell

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work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight... you have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. if somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive;;;;;;
find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.
it isn't easy, it is the beautiful part of the life.


bestmitchell’s Profile Photomaia mitchell
hello, guess who's here? right, it's your girl perrie, i just hacked you to let you know that you're hella important to me, you're my ride or die, my everything, many ups and downs happened between us, many bad people came between us, but we keep showing them that we have such a strong friendship, and we won't give up on this friendship just because of jealous people, you're truly amazing, beautifully made, and i'm so lucky to have you, just know that with each down we have, it makes our friendship more stronger, i couldn't ask for a better friend, as i promised i will never leave you, i will never let you down, i will support you, i will love you, i will be there for you, name a better friendship than maiperrie i'm waiting, still waiting but actually you can't find because we are rising, we are slaying, im just telling you to please don't listen to what people say before you ask me, i think you know that many people don't like our friendship & they are jealous of it but i'm loving it, i'm loving you, i'm so busy loving you that i have no time for anything else, you're still my one priority, our friendship is the best, thank you so much for everything, thank you for your words your acts and everything, know that i'm never giving up on you, on that precious friendship (i keep repeating friendship bc it's so precious istg) you're an angel and a diamond, i love you so much, keep being amazing and keep being loved, you deserve happiness and more than toxic people, once again i love you, the maia to my perrie, maiperrie always ❤️❤️ - @yoitsedwards

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