
Living Beyond Fear

Ask @beyondfeartalk

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Are you struggling with something?

I'm always struggling with some aspect of life! I'm beginning to realise that this is actually part of life and being human. My main challenge at the moment is my eating. I struggle with a lot of aspects of it and swing from restricting food to bingeing to the point I am in pain. So many years of yoyo dieting and being shamed for being overweight has left me with a lot of body image and self esteem issues.

If you press a button you gain the ability to telepathically speak to a person of your choosing. BUT you two can never not hear what the other one is thinking. Would you press it? Why / why not? 😆🔴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh no absolutely not! As much as I'd love to know what is going on in someone's head I also value my own sanity and being able to switch off from other people's thoughts and concerns is key to that!

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Is there a subject you're especially knowledgable about? You mind saying something you know relating to that which you think most other people don't know? 🧠🤯

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I really like the biology of mental health. It's really powerful for breaking down the stigma of mental health not being a 'real' thing. It also helps people to engage with treatment when they understand why and how the techniques are going to work.
I'm currently really interested in breath work. Lots of people with anxiety are told "just breathe" and feel they are being fobbed off. But breath is such a powerful tool when understood and utilised properly. Most people know that when they are anxious and think there is danger their heart rate increases and they breathe faster and that this is part of the "fight or flight" stress response. However, what is not commonly taught is that this mechanism is two-way. So how we breathe also signals back to our brains if danger is present. Therefore slowing down breathing (or even maintaining relaxed posture!) can tell our brains that there is no danger. This in turn activates the opposite side of the nervous system which switches off fight or flight and anxiety symptoms.
In short, we aren't victims of our brains but if we experience trauma or stress we can be more prone to false alarms where we think we are in danger and we are not. This triggers a protective response which we experience as anxiety. But we can talk back and tell our bodies it is a false alarm very effectively with our breath!
I find that amazing and I wish I had understood why I kept being given breathing exercises for my anxiety. What they failed to explain to me was why and how this could help - and when to use it!
Sorry for the long answer!!

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Would you say you're any good at geography? If you have the time and will, I'd happily challenge you to do a Seterra test of your choosing and post the results here. Let's see how well you know the US states, countries of Europe etc.! (You can easily find those at online.seterra.com) 🌍🖱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm so-so at geography! I picked the one I thought I'd find easiest: Countries of Europe.. turns out I am a little fuzzy on some of Eastern Europe! Challenge me to one of your choice and I'll give it my best shot 🙈
Would you say youre any good at geography If you have the time and will Id

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Liked by: Tobbe Livi;

Do you know which mental illness is associated with when a person voices aloud internal conversations with imaginary or non-present people? Or enacts situation that is going on in their mind?

I'm not a psychiatrist so not trained to diagnose mental illness. What I would say is that diagnosis requires a proper assessment as some symptoms can be present in lots of different disorders, or the frequency/intensity or other details can also be relevant. To add to this we're all individuals so two people with the same diagnosis can describe or experience it differently or with a different combination of symptoms.
I'd definitely advise seeing a psych if you need diagnosis but if you can't get access you can look up diagnostic criteria in the DSM (which is what they use to diagnose) - this is the link to a free pdf (can be slow to load!) but as you will see it is complex so do seek professional help if you can. https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A907fa51f-b6cb-494c-95b1-5cacf626fc55#pageNum=1

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Do you like to swim? How long can you splash around in the lake / sea?

vadimkrivoshekov3’s Profile Photovadim1002
I love swimming! I can spend hours in the pool or the sea. I'm by no means a serious swimmer: sometimes I'll just doggy-paddle, float around or tread water!

I just like how it feels in water and I feel really at one with it somehow. I'll even take my shoes off and paddle in puddles when it rains!

Such a fun picture to my question to how you are and that a month ago! Please forgive my slow response! If you don't mind could I simply ask again how you are?

StephenInd’s Profile PhotoStephen Ind
Aw I'm glad you liked it! I can't remember what it was! I'm okay but have a lot going on right now so trying to keep my stress levels in check. How are you doing?
Such a fun picture to my question to how you are and that a month ago Please

What are your thoughts on this covid stuff now at this point? (You do not have to answer)

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I continue to be cautious, especially as I do some shifts at a hospital. For me it is too soon after restrictions were relaxed (I'm in the UK) to tell what effect this will have. If there isn't a huge spike in cases in the next few weeks, or if this doesn't translate to increased hospital admission or deaths then I will consider myself cautiously optimistic!

Do you ever take baths? What makes a good bath according to you? Do you do anything to make it more pleasant? 🛀🌸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I nearly always take baths over showers, it's a major self care time for me. I love bath bombs / melts which make the water a nice colour and listening to nature sounds. I hate getting dry though so I tend to lay out my towel on my bed and then chill longer while I air dry 😌

Ru on tumblr

No I've actually never used tumblr before. I'm not great at keeping up with lots of different social media. Other than Ask I use facebook just for family and close friends, LinkedIn for work. Would you recommend tumblr?

Why does everyone hide under the bed in movies? Isn't it the most obvious place to hide?

dodoBluz’s Profile PhotoNo one from nowhere
Haha, yeah that or in the wardrobe! Still, unless we're super skilled contortionists I guess there are fairly limited options 😅
Why does everyone hide under the bed in movies Isnt it the most obvious place to


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