

Gelap tempat asing ini. Jasadku akan berdiam selamanya di sini. Aku hanya ingin tahu ini... di manakah tempat kau mengistirahatkanku kini?

Waiter, finding the speed dial no.1 called [My Dearest Wife] from the contact list, whilst cringing at the sight of the name: "Hello, I apologize to disturb you very late at night, but right now, your husband is drunk from..uh.. coffee (which is impossible), and is unable to leave the cafe at ***. I would be closing up the shop soon. Since I have no authority to let customers stay overnight here, I'll leave him by the bench just outside. Please do come asap. Or he's gonna develop frostbites whilst undergoing severe hypothermia.."

Latest answers from bittermatcha

Kau tahu arti adikku bagiku. Sebegitu bencikah kau padaku. Sampai kau jadikan ia ujung belatimu.... mengincar korban sepertiku? Hingga kau jelmakan ia serupa dirimu... membunuh aku berulang kali seusai kematianku?

And kids, this is how a jobless and a broken-hearted person can spam your inbox. And how I, in turn, can be more of a dedicated jobless person, answering these pointless questions. By the way, this anon should write a book instead. Perhaps these random rants can bring in some money.
*I swear I didn't ask these questions myself (why would I, really)*
You're welcome.

Aku tahu bagimu korban pertama bukanlah aku. Di tanganmu entah berapa yang pergi sebelumku. Tapi bersediakah kau menjadikan korban terakhirmu hanyalah aku..tiada selainku bersamaku?

The Wife, yelling out at the phone, "I've got work Very Early tomorrow, and you are disturbing this insomniac who's Just About To Fall Asleep? Who are you telling me is my husband? My husband is right here! Stop being delusional. I'm hanging up now!"--

Waktu itu seperti malam ini. Malam kelam ketika kau bunuh aku. Aku tahu waktunya tapi aku penasaran dengan caranya. Kau bunuh aku tanpa aku sadari sampai semuanya sudah terlambat. Biarkan aku tenang..beritahu aku bagaimana kau bunuh aku tanpa setahuku.

Waiter, nudging the customer hard, then slapping across the face: "Uh, sir, I apologize for my manners, but I would have to tell you to leave the shop now. I shall dial someone from your phone.."

Emmm, kau... Kau ingin membunuhku. Aku adalah lelaki yang paling kamu benci. Apakah yang begitu kau benci pada diriku hingga kau ingin membunuhku?

Waiter, looking concerned and then miffed at the sign of a drunk customer, for the first time, at the cafe he works part-time at: "Sir, excuse me, but you'll need to get up soon. It's time for us to close the shop."

Happy birthday :) Semoga awal bertambah umur dan awal tahunnya semakin baik dan sukses

Aduh makasih banget ya, anon adalah orang pertama yang ingat dengan tgl lahirku yang H-255.
Senangnya bukan kepalang. I think I'm really gonna rock it this year.

What is one thing you will never do again?

Rather than not ever doing it again, I just wish i can stop it from happening.
With me being not-so-much-at-a-disadvantage-but-i-dislike-it-anyways.

Do you remember your first day at school?

You mean when I took over the class and turned into the dominant bully who gave a fleeting sense of perpetual fear to the other kids? No.

What’s the best way to learn a new language?

Befriend a talkative local for a fast gateway to acing the language proficiency test.

Language: English