

Ask @bri081

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aha babe plz know that none of us like you...we were just talking today so i know you think we are friends...i askd the pacific hills girls too they said you were a bitch

I don't really care I never talk to them anyway they can all eat a dick

I really like you and think you're amazing! Your eyes are like stars at night :) I wish I had the guts to tell you

Omg That's so sweet! Please tell me who you are!! Pleasseeeeee :) x

Well that's a pathetic response, you know you will never get anyone as good as jake! He's a great guy and you had him and you jus abused and took advantage of having a great guy around!

How is it a pathetic response I know what I did was wrong and I hate taking about it cause I have only recently got over the whole situation and I hate being reminded of how a diced over the best guy I know

Yep junkie is the correct definition...

I'm not even close to a junkie hahaha u seriously don't know me at all ur just going off what u think I'm like and what bullshit people say bout me


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