

Ask @britharmelingx

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Hebben jullie die fotos gezien van die rare wezens rond de aardr?

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Ik heb lekkere lunch recepten nodig! Iemand een idee? Het moet vegetarisch zijn, kip mag wel./ I need delicious lunch recipes. Does anyone have an idea? It has to be vegetarian. Chicken is allowed.

kellykitties’s Profile PhotoMoved to @norakitties
Wraps? En dan met kip en de groente die je zelf lekker vind 🤷🏼‍♀️ Tortilla's, broodje gezond, tonijnsalade idk

Do you trust people easily?

SHAHIN1371’s Profile PhotoNihahs itarsan
No. I have seen so many people smile with me when im around and hate on me when im not, i dont trust someone until they show me why i can trust them.

How to find true love?

True love is not something you search for its something that comes to you. When you put sooo much effort in the fact that u want true love your going to attract the wrong thing, it comes when the time is there.


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