
brooke peterson

Ask @brookeandchili

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Do you think it would be ok if I only trailer one horse in a 2 horse straight load to use the other side as storage for like saddle rack? I do not have a tack room and the divider goes to the floor so nothing could get under its feet.

Ya it’s probably fine

What is the healthiest thing to get from McDonalds?

Icecream? Or French fries... I️ heard they “help with hair growth”

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do u like camera in new iPhone X? is it worth that kind of money?

Eh I️ got it as a gift but the reg iPhone is still just as nice

What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

Idk I️ think that if a dog is happy and healthy it’s no issue but I️ think dogs are naturally conditioned to eating meat so it’s probably best for them but like idk my op is if the dog is happy and healthy then who cares. I️ just don’t agree when people discriminate others about their health choices aha

op on @qhperfection (on instagram) selling her horse "Ace"

I️ don’t have an issue with people selling horses, it’s a normal thing. It’s different if you purposely sell your horse to a bad person but if it’s for the right reasons to a trustworthy person there is nothing wrong with that

What qualities do you have that others don't have?

my best quality I️ hear from others is listening to other people and giving advice aha

Christmas socks or barefoot this season?

i love christmas socks but like only when its really cold or else ill be too warm

???What do you think about long distance relationships?

my sister is involved in one and its her best one yet sooo like its doable

What's the best news you've ever received?

probably when my mom told me that we were gonna lease chili 4 years ago??

How long would you put me away for as a drunk driver? I drove drunk with a .16 BAC and hit a car from behind while speeding over 100 mph. Be my judge.

im not in law so i really dont know but drunk driving is really dangerous and not ok as everyone knows..

What your favourite season? Mine is Autumn... Cool nights and slightly warm days. And all those beautiful colours of nature

i agree autumn is my fave!


Language: English