
Queen RBS Est. 5-17

Ask @brownsugar828

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What it means when your mate breaks up with you on your birthday?

Wow so far I’ve never had that experience but I find it heartbreaking 💔. That person obviously tried to hurt you. Either they hate you or you hurt them.

Name a Christmas word(s) that start with the first letter of your first name

Rudolph, reindeer, ribbon, red❤️

If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

luckyiscoolperson’s Profile PhotoAdi
Ignore a guy named Mark Hall is a major one lol😂

T hat zodiac sign treated you like 💩 then made it seem like it was you

June Cancer #ApieceOF💩

What do you get out of this conversation: (Girl-What are you looking for in me a friend or something more. Boy-sorry been busy with work & school, we’ll see with friendship, getting my life together currently)

He wants to be friends. At least he’s honest.

I met this guy. He said he liked me then he instantly asked me for my money. Should I give it to him

No he’s a scammer & a user.

"SEX don't keep a man. HIM Knowing you got his back & being loyal do

The only thing that will keep a man is a man who wants to be kept. You can be the right package at the wrong address.


Language: English