I think I’ll just look for a couple of fuck buddies and keep it all on the low. Not looking for anything serious. :) no mo July 08, 2022 Wow
I think you forgot me and don't want to talk to me I'm sad 💔 K3 July 08, 2022 لا كيف أنساك حبيبي أنت صديقي في الأردن
نَسألُكَ جبرًا وإنْ كُنَّا لا نستَحِق..❤️ لجمال حديثكم ليش مختفين 🙄😅❤🌿 July 07, 2022 I can’t read this /:
📱 If I gave you my number would you text me? Send me funny memes and pics? Give anyone else my number? July 07, 2022 Probably
What are you doing rn? Christine July 07, 2022 I just got out the shower and now I’m air drying infront of my fan
I realized you were cheating on me and that’s why you were only talking to me through ask fm and a fake number. How dumb of me to think you ever told me the truth. ❤️💔 July 07, 2022 Text me 6197771636