
Jessica Brisbee

How do you place your worth in the esteem God holds for you rather than what people think of you?

He died for me to know Him, and He would have done it all the same if it were just me. The God of the universe pours His love out every day for me and never once fails me - if all that doesn't prove my worth, I don't know what ever could,

Latest answers from Jessica Brisbee

What to do when someone does something that makes you question all they say to you

If you figure it out, let me know.

What are the 5 most important things in a relationship

1.) Mutual obsession of Yahweh
2.) Love
3.) Trust
4.) Communication
5.) Stability

If you and three friends were on a deserted island, who would be eaten first?


What do you notice when you walk into someone's home for the first time?

What’s placed on their walls and shelves. You can learn so much about a person’s heart by seeing which moments and items they choose to put on display.

What’s the most important physical thing you could possibly have and/or own?

(Deodorant is a close second)
Whats the most important physical thing you could possibly have andor own

Language: English