

Ask @callousbitch

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Tom said it in the player interview after their win. I guess they just wanted to embarrass GE as much as possible after their epic first split

ahahahahahha xDDDDD

How did you loose all that weight. Any tips for a fellow girl trying to find a good diet?

Never lost weight. I gained like 7 kg in the past 2 years ayyylmao

but Bengi said to Tom "Please don't make me play"... no bullshit haha


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SKT clearly took Easyhoon in the LCK finals because he works better with Tom. Faker and Tom don't work together... and they want to give Tom as much time as they can on stage.

Yeah idk too tired to answer, no idea about their synergy tbh, i dont watch ogn anymore since this shit is like 7-12 pm for me, but i wouldven taken faker + bengi in the finals

We will see. Gotta speak to him and some others :( - Eric

Message me on Twitter, maybe I can help you

yeah and now faker will crush msi against teams all around the world with ease

Not hard since 90% of them are shit :/

Damn girl you mean. What are you up to? - Eric

Watching MSI and being bored and tired as always, hbu?

Uzi only played 2 great tournaments in his career, and those weere 2 worlds. Namei and Weixiao have way more success

Yeyeye that's fine. Just wanted to say that I like Uzi and he is still one of my fav adcs ever

Best adc right now would be Deft, and of all time it would Weixiao. Do you share my opinion?

Yeah, not sure if Weixiao or Uzi tho. I like Uzi.

get th cancer pls ://

Nah, I don't smoke enough soz Maybe I'll get lung cancer after I moved out


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