

Ask @capnkrypto

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Best way to prank someone? 😈

A fake version of an animal or object something they hate and play a game of hide and seek with it— you’ll know they found it by the screams.

Would you move across your province if it meant being happy?

Yes, but I’d have to be shown a lot of safety and security for anything like that, even for a small move

What's your favorite smell?

I like to get the outdoorsy smells. Teakwood, pine tree, leaves, eucalyptus (even though that one isn’t necessarily outdoorsy) etc.

Post a memorable pic from your gallery? 😍

Courtesy of my gran— a pic of me at middle school age I think in my signature basketball shorts just seeing how far I could stick myself in this hole I found while walking through mud puddles and just roaming around the property in the rain, only to end up getting myself stuck knee deep and have to wait to be helped out.
Post a memorable pic from your gallery

If you were an actor, would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor?

Both, I’d just enjoy the ability to act. Since I’ve done plays and I know I love them, I’d like to try film (pretty sure I’d love them too)

Which of Murphy’s law(s) have you experienced?

First, second, third, fourth (corollary), fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth.
If you haven’t had a law happen then you haven’t lived, you’re still a child, revel in your blissful existence.

chocolate chip pancakes, banana pancakes, or chocolate chip banana pancakes?

Those all sound really delicious and make me want pancakes now. I’ve never had the latter two but I’d definitely try them, so I’ll say chocolate chip pancakes until then.

What's the chance of getting your reply if I am unknown?

As much as the chance of someone who wasn’t anon. If it’s asked, I pretty much answer.

If you could transform into any object or being what would it be?

A successful mentally healthy lesbian (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


Language: English