
Chanyn Brow

Which celebrity would you like to be for one day and what would you do?

Personally I'm not that big on celerberties and I could care less about them. They're people just like you or me. Not some idol to admire. If I were to ever live that life style, I want it to be because I achieved it. Swapping for a day, is a hard pass because I didn't earn it myself.

Latest answers from Chanyn Brow

Did you ever fall asleep in class? Haha

Uh, yeah on several accounts. Some days you just be zonked, ya know?

If you as a giant picked someone up with your hand, how would you? ?

Very gently with my pointer finfer and thumb or I would put my hands on the ground hoping they would just, walk onto them

Do you believe ghosts exist? ?

Yes and no. Yes I believe in paranormal but not the typical thing one would think a ghost is. I'm more of a ghost is an angel or demon taking human form to make people feel more comfortable around them kinda person.

Tell a joke that you think is funny? ?

You're not gonna think any of my jokes are funny unless I make one unintentionally lol
Purposeful jokes are usually lame because puns.
*Is at work and doing dishes with nothing but clean plates piled high*
*coworker comes over about to ask as question*
Me: "welcome to China town what can I getcha?"

What’s most intriguing about the Cinderella story?

The part where the evil step sisters eyes are pecked at by birds. Kara really is a bitch.
Brothers grimm versions are my favorite classic fairy tales.

Language: English